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Ice Vapor, Shadow of Anguish
ほうかいかげデス・タギア (Death Tagia, Shadow of Collapse)
Ice Vapor, Shadow of Anguish
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Race: Ghost
English Text:

■ Whenever your opponent casts a spell, he chooses and discards a card from his hand, then chooses a card in his mana zone and puts it into his graveyard.

Japanese Text:

■ 相手は呪文を唱えた時、自分自身の手札を1枚選んで捨て、自分自身のマナゾーンからカードを1枚選んで持ち主の墓地に置く。

Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: "I'm having a bad day. Before Trox stuffed me into a microwave this afternoon, I used to be a Snow Faerie." (DM-09)
死の支配者たる我々に勝てると思うな! "Do not think you can defeat us, rulers of death!" ─Ice Vapor, Shadow of Anguish (DM-09)
半端な覚悟じゃ通じやしない。Half-hearted determination won't get through. (DMC-19)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Akira Hamada
Other Card Information: