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Duel Masters Wiki
Hyuge Shikki Y, Snow Faerie
ゆきせい フユゲ・シッキYワイ
Japanflag Japanese (kana): ワイ (Wai)
Japanflag Japanese (base): 雪精 フユゲ・シッキY
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 3
Races: Snow Faerie Kaze / Initials
English Text:

■ You may summon this creature from your mana zone.

Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーをマナゾーンから召喚してもよい。

Watermark(s): Dokindam
Power: 3000
Flavor Text: you are bestowed 'Y'
おう、ドキンダムXの旦那! その「Y」の文字にかけてがんばりますぜい!
"You are bestowed Y" ─Dokindam X, The Legendary Forbidden
"Oh, that moment of Dokindam X. Keep up the good work for giving me that 'Y'!" -Yaw Sark, D2Y (DMR-21)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Taro Yamazaki
Other Card Information: