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Duel Masters Wiki
Hyperspatial Shachihoko Hole
Japanflag Kana: ちょうじげん (Choujigen)
Civilizations: Darkness Darkness / Fire Fire
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 5
English Text:

​■ (This spell is put into your mana zone tapped.)

■ During your opponent's next turn, your Aliens can't be attacked.

■ Put an Alien psychic creature that costs 7 or less from your hyperspatial zone into the battle zone.

(At the start of the game, psychic creatures aren't put into your deck and are put into your hyperspatial zone, and if a psychic creature is put into a zone other than the battle zone, they are returned there.)

Japanese Text:

​■ マナゾーンに置く時、このカードはタップして置く。

■ 次の相手のターン中、自分のエイリアンは攻撃されない。 

■ コスト7以下のエイリアン・サイキック・クリーチャーを1体、自分の超次元ゾーンからバトルゾーンに出す。


Flavor Text: 目指すはNAGOYAの頂点なりー! The goal is to be on top of Nagoya! (DMX-05)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Yuri Shinjuro
Other Card Information: