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Hyperspatial Genji beatdown
超次元GENJIビート (Chō Jigen Genji Bīto)
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Hyperspatial Genji beatdown is a beatdown deck type.


It uses GENJI Double Cross, Blastdragon and various powerful psychic creatures in the Water, Fire and Nature civilizations.

The deck usually progresses by accelerating to 5 or 6 mana with Bronze-Arm Tribe and other such mana acceleration cards, then casting a Hyperspatial spell. Genji Double Cross, Blastdragon is used as a strong attacker.

Recommended cards[]

Recommended cards: Reason:
Aqua Surfer Shield trigger bounce creature
Blazing Tiger, Crimson Lord Shield trigger that kills small creatures
Bolbalzak Ex Free speed attacker double breaker
Bronze-Arm Tribe Classic Mana Acceleration creature
Cyber N World Powerful draw
Faerie Life Mana Acceleration. Can trigger against other aggressive decks
GENJI Double Cross, Blastdragon Main attacker
Hyperspatial Bolshack Hole Creature destruction + powerful attacker like Bolshack Dragon, the Temporal Blaze or Red ABYTHEN Kaiser
Hyperspatial Energy Hole Draw + direct access to Untouchable Powered, the Awakened Protean
Hyperspatial Faerie Hole Mana Acceleration + direct access to Setsudan, Awakened Giant
Hyperspatial Shooting Hole In combination with Gaial Kaiser
Mad Romanov, the Wicked God Pseudo-speed attacker with good synergy with hyperspatial spells
Jasmine, Mist Faerie Mana Acceleration and potential attacker
Aqua Hulcus
Poisonous Mushroom
Dreaming Moon Knife
Yattar Wan, Adventuring Fox
Mana Acceleration.
Spiral Gate Classic bounce card
The Strong Spiral Extra copies of Spiral Gate. Can also draw
Recommended Psychic Creatures: Reason:
Bolshack Dragon, the Temporal Blaze / Bolshack Möbius, Victory Awakened Attacker
Boost, Crimson Lord / Gaial King Dragon, Raging Dragon Lord Destroys small creatures
Deepsea Janus, Temporal Warpanther / Crimson Lord Janus, Temporal Warpanther Draw or speed attacker
Gaial Kaiser / Gaial King Dragon, Raging Dragon Lord Excellent synergy with Hyperspatial Shooting Hole
Jon, Temporal Explorer / Jonjo Jon, the Awakened Adventurer Attacker
Kill, Temporal Brawler / Setsudan, Awakened Giant Attacker, prevents bouncing of psychic creatures
Red ABYTHEN Kaiser / Shachihoko GOLDEN Dragon Unchoosable attacker
Untouchable, Temporal Hero / Untouchable Powered, the Awakened Protean Unchoosable and unblockable creature