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Hybrid Race
ハイブリッド種族しゅぞく (Haiburiddo Shuzoku)
Dmwiki.net: Article

Hybrid Races are a kind of race that first appeared in DM-19 Spectacle Nova and featured throughout the Phoenix Saga.


Each of these 10 races appeared in 2 allied civilization pairs, mostly appearing with a single race and only one of those 2 civilizations at a time.

  • For example, Arc Seraphim were mostly either just a Light or Nature civilization creature.

They were commonly featuring the Sympathy, Launcher Energy spells, as well as creatures that supported their race with a Fort Energy or Thrilling Three ability, suggesting them to be played in Race decks.

These hybrid races had a corresponding Phoenix creature with a Galaxy Vortex evolution ability that could be summoned over 3 of these races (or 2 and another non hybrid race).

List of Hybrid Races and their Support Races[]

Civilizations: Hybrid Races: Support Races:
Light Water Great Mecha King Machine Hero
Water Darkness Grand Devil Deep Marine
Darkness Fire Tyranno Drake Brave Spirit
Fire Nature Dreammate Vehicle Bee
Light Nature Arc Seraphim Saint Head
Civilizations: Hybrid Races:
Light Water Angel Dragon / Angel Command Dragon
Water Darkness Crystal Dragon / Crystal Command Dragon
Darkness Fire Demon Dragon / Demon Command Dragon
Fire Nature Mega Dragon / Mega Command Dragon
Light Nature Jurassic Dragon / Jurassic Command Dragon
Civilizations: Hybrid Races:
Darkness Fire Demonio