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Heaven's Charger
Japanflag Japanese (base): ヘブンズ・チャージャー
Japanflag Phonetic: Hebunzu Chājā
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 4
English Text:

■ Choose one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone and tap it.

​■ Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)

Japanese Text:

■ バトルゾーンにある相手のクリーチャーを1体選び、タップする。

​■ チャージャー(この呪文を唱えた後、墓地に置くかわりにマナゾーンに置く)

Flavor Text: 鬼丸とライオネルの死闘は新たな友情をうみだした。だが、裏切り者のライオネルを始末するべく2体のゼニスが送り込まれた。The fierce battle between Onimaru and Lionel gave birth to a new friendship. However, in order to eliminate the traitor Lionel, two Zeniths were sent. (DMR-06)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Murakami Hisashi
Other Card Information: