Gyuujinmaru, Legendary Identity
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Civilization: | Water |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 71 |
Race: | The Answer |
English Text: |
■ Genius Sympathy—Water creatures (This creature costs 10 less to summon for each of your water creatures in the battle zone. It can't cost 0 or less.) ■ When you summon this creature, your opponent shuffles all of their creatures into their deck. If your opponent shuffled 6 or more creatures into their deck in this way, you win the game. |
Japanese Text: |
■ 天才シンパシー:水のクリーチャー(このクリーチャーの召喚コストは、バトルゾーンにある自分の水のクリーチャー1体につき10少なくなる。ただしコストは0以下にならない) ■ ワールド・ブレイカー ■ このクリーチャーが召喚によって出た時、相手は自身のクリーチャーをすべて山札に加えてシャッフルする。相手がこうして6体以上山札に加えたなら、自分はゲームに勝つ。 |
Power: | 71000 |
Flavor Text: | ワタシこそが真の天才だ! I am the true genius! —Gyuujinmaru, Legendary Identity (DMR-20, Normal version) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrators: | Yuukoo009 Shigenobu Matsumoto |
DMR-20 Gyuujinmaru's True Identity!!
L2/L2, L2㊙1/L2, L2㊙2/L2, L2㊙3/L2 — Legend Card DMRP-10 Blue C.A.P and Black DaiBanZai G1/G7 — Legend Card DMEX-15 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Souls The BEST of Great Scenes 8/50 — Legend Card | |
Other Card Information:
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