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Grave Robber Reaper Man
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 4
Race: Hedrian
English Text:

■ Whenever your other creatures that have "Reaper" in their name are destroyed, you may draw a card.

Japanese Text:

■ 自分の他の、名前に (死神しにがみ) とあるクリーチャーが破壊された時、カードを1枚引いてもよい。

Power: 3000
Flavor Texts: 強大な古代の軍勢を前に次々と倒される死神しにがみ達。しかし、その命こそが地底に眠る死神しにがみの王を呼び起こすのだ。 Reapers that are knocked down one by one in front of a mighty ancient army. But those lives wake the evil king of the Reapers sleeping in the ground. (DM-33)
死神しにがみたちの怨念は、さらなる呪いとなる。 The grudge of the Reapers become a further curse. (DMC-60)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Hiroshi Tanigawa
Other Card Information: