Grand Guignol, Dark Advisor
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Civilizations: | Water / Darkness |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 8 |
Races: | Demon Command / Team Zero |
English Text: |
Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.) Mugen Climb 2 (You may summon this creature from your hand or graveyard by tapping 2 of your creatures and paying .) ■ When you put this creature, choose one of the following. |
Japanese Text: |
S・トリガー(このクリーチャーをシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ召喚してもよい) 2 (自分のクリーチャーを2体タップし、支払って、このクリーチャーを自分の手札または墓地から召喚してもよい) ■ このクリーチャーが出た時、次のうちいずれか1つを選ぶ。
Power: | 4000 |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | douzen |
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16/25 — No Rarity DM24-RP2 Kaiser of Hyperdragon T5/T12 — Rare Promotional P49/Y22 — No Rarity | |
Other Card Information:
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Grand Guignol, Dark Advisor