Ryusei Kaiser, the Victorious, Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious, and Prin Prin, the Victorious. |
Ryusei Kaiser, the Victorious, Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious, and Prin Prin, the Victorious. |
Gaial Ore Dragon, the Vainglory
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Civilizations: | Light / Water / Darkness / Fire / Nature |
Card Type: | Psychic Super Creature |
Mana Cost: | 30 |
Races: | Rainbow Command Dragon / Hunter |
English Text: |
■ Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.) ■ Hunting (While battling, this creature gets +1000 power for each of your Hunters in the battle zone.) ■ World breaker (This creature breaks all your opponent's shields.) ■ Whenever this creature wins a battle, untap this creature, then choose 2 of your opponent's shields. Your opponent puts those shields into their hand. ■ Link Release (When this creature leaves the battle zone, choose one of its psychic cells and return it to your hyperspatial zone and flip the rest of the cards.) |
Japanese Text: |
■ スピードアタッカー (このクリーチャーは召喚酔いしない) ■ ハンティング(バトル中、このクリーチャーのパワーを、バトルゾーンにある自分のハンター1体につき+1000する) ■ ワールド・ブレイカー (このクリーチャーは相手のシールドをすべてブレイクする) ■ このクリーチャーがバトルに勝った時、このクリーチャーをアンタップし、相手のシールドを2つ選ぶ。相手はそのシールドを手札に加える。 ■ リンク解除(このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンを離れる時、そのサイキック・セルのいずれか1枚を選んで超次元ゾーンに戻し、残りのカードを裏返す) |
Power: | 26000+ |
Flavor Text: | To all Unknowns! I will definitely desecrate all of you! I am the one who will become the only and most powerful dragon-!!! アンノウンめ! 必ず滅する! オレこそが唯一、最強のドラゴンなりー!!!-Gaial Ore Dragon, the Vainglory (DMR-04) |
Mana Number: | 0 |
Illustrators: | Ishibashi Yosuke shosuke |
DMR-04 Rising Hope
V2b/V3, V3b/V3 — Victory Rare DMR-04 Rising Hope 51b/55 — No Rarity DMD-20 Super Victory Deck: Victorious Rising Dragon Sword Gaiohburn 14b/22, 15b/22 — Victory Rare DMD-20 Super Victory Deck: Victorious Rising Dragon Sword Gaiohburn 22b/22 — No Rarity DMX-25 Final Memorial Pack ~E1, E2, E3 edition~ V11b/V12, V12b/V12 — Victory Rare DMX-25 Final Memorial Pack ~E1, E2, E3 edition~ 21b/51 — No Rarity DMBD-13 Chronicle Final Wars Deck: Psychic Meteor Saga 2b/26, 4b/26 — Victory Rare DMBD-13 Chronicle Final Wars Deck: Psychic Meteor Saga 3b/26 — No Rarity DM23-EX2 Battle of Top!! Dueking MAX 2023 超G1b/超G12 — Super Rare | |
Other Card Information:
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