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Duel Masters Wiki
Fort Energy
Japanflag フォートEエナジー (Fōto Enajī)
Fort Energy
Released: DM-20 The Ultimate Nova
Dmwiki.net: Article
Category for Fort Energy

Fort Energy is a keyword shared among each of the five monocolored civilizations.

Reminder Text[]

The latest reminder text for Fort Energy reads:

Fort Energy—"RACE" (When you put this creature into the battle zone, if a "RACE" in your mana zone is tapped to summon this creature, this creature gets the following ​Fort Energy ability.)


2 Victory Apple
Nature Nature / Creature
Wild Veggies
Fort Energy — Wild Veggies (When you put this creature into the battle zone, if a Wild Veggies in your mana zone is tapped to summon this creature, this creature gets the following ​Fort Energy ability).
Fort Energy You may choose a creature from your graveyard and put it into your mana zone.

Fort Energy — Dragon

Fort Energy You may return a creature from your mana zone to your hand.

Cards with the Fort Energy ability[]


  • Q: How do I use "Fort Energy?"
    • A: "Fort Energy" only appears on creatures. When you put a creature with "Fort Energy" into the battle zone, tap cards in your mana zone equal to the summoning cost of the creature. If one or more of the tapped cards contains creatures with the designated race, the creature with "Fort Energy" can use its "Fort Energy" ability.
  • Q: When does "Fort Energy" triggered?
    • A: "Fort Energy" is a Come Into Play ability. It is only triggered when the creature is put into the battle zone. It can't be triggered later.
  • Q: A creature with "Fort Energy" was put into the battle zone by paying the summoning cost, while tapping the specified race in the mana zone. Do I have to use "Fort Energy"?
    • A: "Fort Energy" triggers automatically when you pay the summoning cost while tapping a card with the designated race in mana zone.
  • Q: I summoned a creature with "Fort Energy: Arc Seraphim", while tapping three Arc Seraphim to summon this creature. Does "Fort Energy" trigger 3 times?
    • A: No, "Fort Energy" will only trigger once.
  • Q: Some creatures have 2 "Fort Energy" abilities. How can I use them?
    • A: Each "Fort Energy" has its own ability and race that triggers it. If cards with both are tapped to summon the creature, both abilities will occur. You can decide the order to trigger the abilities. If the cards you tap only contain one of the races, only that "Fort Energy" can be used.
  • Q: I put a creature with "Fort Energy into the battle zone by a method other than summoning. Can I tap mana to trigger "Fort Energy"?
    • A: You can't. "Fort Energy" can only trigger when summoned.