Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
「Start all over from your previous life!」
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 6
Race: Bikkuri Kingdom Bikkuri Kingdom
English Text:

text-align Vividdraw W4 (During your turn, when you draw this spell before you attack, you may reveal it. If you do, you may pay W4 to cast this spell this turn.)

■ Choose up to 2 of your opponent's creatures and return them to their owner's hand.

Draw a card.

Japanese Text:

text-align W4 (自分のターン中、攻撃の前にこの呪文をドローした時、表向きにしてもよい。そうしたら、このターンこの呪文をW4支払って唱えてもよい)

■ 相手のクリーチャーを2体まで選び、持ち主の手札に戻す。

■ カードを1枚引く。

Flavor Text: ~美孔麗王国の美学~
美孔麗王国は、山札操作を駆使して、ビビッドローで強力なカードを連打していくのが基本戦略だ! クリーチャーを並べたら、相手の邪魔なクリーチャーを手札に戻して、その隙に美しく勝て! ~Aesthetics of the Bikkuri Kingdom~
The basic strategy of Bikkuri Kingdom is to use deck manipulation to string together powerful cards with Vividdraw! Once you've lined up your creatures, return the opponent's creatures in the way back to their hand, and win beautifully in that moment while you're at it! (DMRP-15)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: RUI MARUYAMA
Other Card Information: