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The Draguners that can communicate with Draghearts. They know the truth of the Draghearts. What is sealed in those weapons are not the hearts of dragons, but dragons themselves. —[Dragheart Chronicle] Page 1, Chapter 4

Dragon Saga
Japanflag ドラゴン・サーガ (Doragon Sāga)
Dragon Saga
Next: Revolution Rev
Previous: Episode 3 E3
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Dragon Saga is the 13th block of card sets in the Duel Masters trading card game.



The trump cards all have relation to Glenmalt or Gaiginga.

List of Sets[]

It is composed of sets released between March 21, 2014, and March 21, 2015.

DMR Sets

DMX Sets

DMD Sets

It also features promotional cards from Year 13.


The story now takes place a nearby world from the main world in Episode 3 or before that is created when Codename Thirteen dropped a star into Pandora Space in Episode 1, which is ruled by Dragons. The domination of dragons were so powerful that any race that does not plead allegiance to the Dragons were hardly be able to survive. This world was ruled by a king of dragons, but this all collapsed in a day where mysterious weapons called Draghearts were found. With these weapons, the civilizations toppled their king. Without a unified leader, the civilizations fought each other for dominance. At the same time the survival competition that appears once every 10 years, known as "Duel Masters" took place, so the civilizations brought their war into the competition. Little do the civilizations know the dark and tragic secrets behind the Draghearts...


The Storyline of Dragon Saga takes a different approach than in the world before Episode 3; Each civilization has its own background story. The relationships of the civilizations also takes a completely different approach then the previous world; for example, in the previous world the Darkness Civilization is an ally with the Fire and Water civilizations, while in the world of Dragon Saga, the Darkness Civilization opposes said civilizations. It is even possible that two different factions from the same civilization fight each other, as seen in the case of Imen=Bugo, Dragon Ruler and Sasoris, Dragon Ruler. Just like in the Psychic Shock, the main characters of each civilization eventually team up to defeat a final threat.

Light Civilization

Water Civilization

Darkness Civilization

Fire Civilization

Nature Civilization


超全集E3の付録である《神撃の カツドン DASH》と《最終章 カツエンド》が先駆けてこのシンボルのカードとして登場した。

エピソード1から始まったエピソードシリーズもエピソード3で幕を閉じ、今シリーズからは全く別の世界を舞台とした物語が開始した。 名前からも分かる通り、このシリーズではドラゴンがストーリーの中心であり、ベリーレア以上は全てドラゴンになっている。(《夢幻騎士 ヴィシャス・デスラー》のみ例外)


新たなるカードタイプであるドラグハート・ウエポン/ドラグハート・クリーチャーとマナ武装が登場した DMR-13 「ドラゴン・サーガ 第1章 龍解ガイギンガ」 デュエル・マスターズ初の横向きカードであるドラグハートの新形態ドラグハート・フォートレスが登場した DMR-14 「ドラゴン・サーガ 第2章 暴龍ガイグレン」 ウエポンを2枚装備できるドラグナー、マナ武装を2つ持つクリーチャーが登場した DMR-15 「ドラゴン・サーガ 第3章 双剣オウギンガ」 初の2種類のバージョンが存在するエキスパンションであり、多数の新能力と新種族が登場した DMR-16極 「ドラゴン・サーガ 第4章 超戦ガイネクスト×極」 DMR-16真 「ドラゴン・サーガ 第4章 超戦ガイネクスト×真」 の5つ。

マナ武装など特定の文明を要求するカードが多く、単色推しのエキスパンション群。新規の多色カードは《爆砕面 ジョニーウォーカー》、《五邪王 ニガ=ヴェルムート》、《極真龍魂 オール・オーバー・ザ・ワールド》のみ。 後者2つは龍解後のドラグハート・クリーチャーであるため、実質的な意味での多色は《爆砕面 ジョニーウォーカー》のみ。さらに言えばそちらも構築済みデッキ(デュエル・マスターズ)収録のカードであるため、本編のブースターパックだけで考えれば神化編以来の「単色カードだけで構成された」シリーズであると言える。 ブースターパックが5つ存在するシリーズとしては不死鳥編以来である。 現時点では、多色に関連のある新規カードはすべて《薫風妖精コートニー》を擁する自然文明を含んでいる。 これまで以上に単色カードのカードパワーが上昇しており、ドラグナーやフォートレスの仕様上ゲームスピードが高速化したり容易に切り崩せない場面も増えた。

新規の無色カードは一枚も登場していない。 今シリーズでフィーチャーされた種族は次のとおり。各文明に新たなコマンド・ドラゴンが登場し、このエキスパンションで登場したドラゴンでない種族のクリーチャーたちが同文明のドラゴンのサポートを請け負う。 光 エンジェル・コマンド・ドラゴン ↑ジャスティス・ウイング 水 クリスタル・コマンド・ドラゴン ↑リキッド・ピープル閃 闇 デーモン・コマンド・ドラゴン ↑ファンキー・ナイトメア 火 ガイアール・コマンド・ドラゴン ↑ヒューマノイド爆 自然 ジュラシック・コマンド・ドラゴン ↑ビーストフォーク號 上述の新種族において、DM-01 第1弾の黎明期から存在する古株の種族をリメイクしたものがドラゴンあるいはサポート種族のいずれかに各文明1種族ずつ存在している。 DMX-16版の《ノウメン》のフレーバーテキストによれば、《偽りの名 13》によるパンドラスペースの崩壊により別離した別世界、ある意味でエピソード2以降のパラレルワールド世界である。各文明ごとの抗争がメインになる流れなど基本セットのストーリーを意識した流れになっている。 アニメ、漫画でも前作と同じ世界観ながらデュエマ禁止から2年後でるるやコジローなど新規のレギュラーキャラを多数追加、切札勝舞の再登場など新規一転しつつ過去作を意識する展開になっている。 主人公は《グレンモルト》。1つ前のシリーズの最終弾に《爆闘剣士 グレンモルト》が先行登場して以降、毎弾彼の成長過程である新クリーチャーが収録された。こうした《グレンモルト》系のカードの中には、カード名の最後に「(漢字一文字)」とあるものが存在したり、またドラゴン強い関わりを持っていたりと、エピソード2の鬼丸と共通点が多い。今シリーズ展開中に発売されたDMD-20でも《勝利宣言 鬼丸「覇」》の再録がなされるなど、意識的に似せていることが窺える。 ドラゴンサーガ展開時の2014年時、「妖怪ウォッチ」や「パズドラ」など多数の新規のキッズ向けのホビー、ゲーム作品が登場した点、別社TCGの「バディファイト」が参入し競争が激化した点もあり、ビギニング・ドラゴン・デッキの500円販売やパック付録などそれまでとは違った対応も見せている。 特にDMR-13の付録パックの際には爆発的にコロコロの売上を伸ばした事もあり、複数に渡るジャンボカード付録や「ポケモン」のゲーム体験版付録など他作品にも影響を与えている。 カードパワーが極めて大きいカードも多く、それらカードによって様々な既存のデッキタイプが強化、あるいは新規デッキタイプを形成するなどした。【ヘブンズ・ゲート】の環境入りなどの環境変化や戦績を残している。一方で、今までのシリーズ以上にインフレやゲームスピードの高速化に拍車を掛けたため、賛否両論が見られた。 エキスパンションシリーズの目玉でもあり、ゲーム上でも強力であったドラグハートに関しても、批判が見られた。 それらを呼び出すためのドラグナーにはレア以上のレアリティを持つものが多いため、複数入手がやや困難であった。ドラグハート自体も、特に強力なものはビクトリー、ダブルビクトリーであるため封入率が低く、非常に価格が高騰していた。このシリーズ展開中の派生のパック販売やデッキの販売も多かったこともあり、子供は勿論、大人さえも、相当の資産力がなければ激変する環境に追いつくことができないという、非常に敷居が高いゲームになってしまった(特に、主役であり高いカードパワーと高レートになりやすい《グレンモルト》系統と、背景ストーリー上で彼が扱うドラグハートにこの傾向が顕著)。 「低レアリティのドラグナーは持っているが、それによって呼び出すべきドラグハートを持っていない」だとか、逆に「《闘将銀河城 ハートバーン》のようなドラグハートは持っているが、《超戦龍覇 モルト NEXT》のような高レアリティのドラグナーが足りていない」といった事態が頻発した。 このシリーズの2章からデュ円が封入された。 売上的には強力なカード性能もあってパック販売数はエピソード3時を上回ったが、「妖怪ウォッチ」ブームによる市場の食い潰し合いの影響もあり全体的な売上は低下しており、近年では最も売上が落ち込んだエキスパンションとなってしまった。非ドラゴンプッシュからドラゴンプッシュに回帰したにも関わらず売上が落ち込んだという事実は多くの衝撃を残した。2015年にはDMD-20の再販が中止されるという影響があった。 これを受け、2015年4月2日に「2015年度戦略発表会」が関係者向けに開催された。小学生向けのTCGが高年齢層向け化している事実を認めながら、新規参入を促すための施策として「革命」と称した3つの試みを公表した。 1つ目は、アニメ放送枠の移動。土曜に学校がある小学生に配慮して日曜の同時間帯に引越しすることとなった。 2つ目は高レアリティカードの封入率の改善。革命編以後は1パックに必ずレア以上が封入されるようになった。 3つ目はデュエルロードの廃止。エンタメ性を高めるためにデュエ祭に再編され、デュエルロードに求められていた役割はチャンピオンシップと公認グランプリに引き継がれることになった。 これらの施策の影響か、革命編以後の2年間、デュエル・マスターズの売上はV字回復を果たす。 前シリーズでは瞳の描かれた人型クリーチャーが多く登場したが、今シリーズの人型クリーチャーは従来の、いわゆる「目隠れ」へと戻った。しかし、《龍覇 グレンモルト》《爆鏡 ヒビキ》は《爆走鬼娘モエル・ゴー》の様にうっすらと瞳が描かれている。

Civilization: Command Dragon: Support Race:
Light Light Angel Command Dragon Justice Wing
Water Water Crystal Command Dragon Liquid People Sen
Darkness Darkness Demon Command Dragon Funky Knightmare
Fire Fire Gaial Command Dragon Human Baku
Nature Nature Jurassic Command Dragon Beast Folk Go
  • DMR-13, DMR-15, and both versions of DMR-16 introduce a new rarity known as Double Victory. These Double Victory cards, as their name suggests, have the ability to declare the demise of the opponent in a turn or two if they appear. The packaging rate of them was initially so low that it surpasses most Secret Victory Rares in rarity, which was criticized by players. As a result, in later sets they have the same packaging rate as any other Super Rare or Victory Rare.
  • While in Episode 3 card power seems to lower a bit, in Dragon Saga it has increased drastically, along with the rarity of useful cards.
    • Eventually card power had increased to an completely unreasonable level, with some of the new cards such as Glenmalt, Dragon Ruler and its variants and Imen=Bugo, Dragon Ruler being capable of finishing the opponent within a turn if they appear.



Pre-DMR-13 Stage[]

Dragon Saga began with three pre-built decks: DMD-15, DMD-16 and DMD-17. However, since their price was cheap, they did not change the Episode 3 environment that much with the exception of DMD-17 which enforced Liquid People beatdown with the help of Java Jack, Ultra Flash. Aqua Teacher also supported the usage of vanilla Liquid People.

With the release of DMX-16, Dorago the Great, Dragon World was reminiscent of King Alcadeias, Holy Gaia, but since it was not a cheap evolution creature, its cost was troublesome and the lockdown also affected its owner, it was only used in Miramisu and Drama. The fact that it was weak to spell removal also meant an exploitable weakness.

Meanwhile, with a Mono-Darkness Control with Ryusei In The Dark winning a championship, players shifted their attention to this type of control. The original Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal was strong on its own, but its shift to the Darkness civilization and the discard substitution being replaced with graveyard recovery called forth for new control tactics involving its effect.

Before the release of DMR-13, the Hall of Fame had been updated in order to weaken the older meta decks. Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush, Kubrick, Spiral Accelerator, Kiryu Jilves, Gaia's Roar, Rolan, the Oracle, Ghastly Drain and Mystery Hippo had been restricted. As such, Eureka Drain lost its main engine and faded away from the scene, Graveyard source lost one of its main removals and it was weakened, Shoegazer One-Shot was less weakened as it had other ways of making its trump speed attacker, but decks such as IFormulaX-tra Win which relied on loop combos with Mystery Hippo were also weakened. After two years, the infamous Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush had been restricted, but its main decks: Kaiser Baki and Miramisu were not severely weakened, as the former still had Kaiser "Baki", Zenith of "Certain Victory", Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal and Diehard Ryusei of Invincibility, while the latter had Mystery Cube and Codeking Wilhelm to rely on.

DMR-13 Stage[]

Thanks to the Hall of Fame, a part of the decks that ruled the Episode 3 environment were gone from the scene. With the release of DMR-13, a new gimmick called Draghearts was brought forth, and such, older decks that relied on the hyperspatial zone which had been pushed out of the scene almost completely due to the Episode 3 meta, suddenly began to see a return, notably with controls. 

Out of all the Dragheart Creatures, Gaiginga, Passionate Star Dragon was the easiest to Dragsolution, at the same time strong and very resistant to removal, and thus it was quickly adapted to Gift beatdown. Being brought out only by Glenmalt, Dragon Ruler, besides beatdowns based on Faerie Gift, it had also seen some play in Shoegazer One-Shot decks. Due to this, many players now use cards to get rid of Glenmalt before Gaiheart can reach its stronger form.  

Another powerful card was Sr Spellcyclica, Dragment Symbol. Due to its high versatility, it had been used with spells such as Reap and Sow and Miraculous Plague, reviving mana burn control. Also, it has been used with The Universe Gate, building an entire deck around it, and it has also been adapted to hyperspatial decks such as Spellcyclica Reincarnation.

It was particularly useful in Miramisu to cast Mystery Cube and Hogan Blaster and Dondon Vacuuming Now, keeping the deck very strong even with Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush's restriction. Miramisu began to adapt Faerie Miracle and have all five colors in order to trigger its effect and using Hyperspatial Green White Hole as defense and mana recovery. Wald Brachio, Absolute World King also saw some use in Miramisu due to its effect, but besides that, there were a few mono Nature mana acceleration decks focusing on him. However, there were some players who choose not to use him due to being monocolored, duplicating that of early game boosts and Mystery Cube to avoid color problems.

Since over the years Heaven's Gate had not been hit by the Hall of Fame, its strategies were adapted to Light /Water /Darkness Hyperspatial control. In response to it, mana burn with Hibiki, Explosive Mirror was used. Batou Shoulder, Shadow of Fiction and Fuuma Gorgonshack also returned to the scene to hinder said decks. However it did not mean that Mono Light decks were not used with Heaven's Gate exclusively.

Thus the new Hall of Fame reset the whole environment, and a new one was born from it. Measures to counter Gaiginga, Passionate Star Dragon's Dragsolution appeared with the usage of old cards like Raiden, Lightfang Ninja, Phantasm Clutch and Flame Lance Trap to destroy Glenmalt.

When DMD-18 and DMD-19 were released, older strong psychic creatures were reprinted. Living up to the name of Super Deck, they were powerful to win tournaments in cases. The reprint of strong old cards made it easier for new players to strengthen their resources.

Gaial, Leader Dragon Sword appeared as a second option to the already powerful Glenmalt, Dragon Ruler. While its battle-forcing effect is good, its Dragsolution requirement is somewhat weak, due to it being unable to flip if one has no other creatures in the battle zone. Batocross Battle, Passion Dragon was a strong card, with a small disadvantage of being returned to the deck if brought out during the opponent's turn. Being able to force-battle an opponent's creature just by being put into the battle zone and having Double Breaker made it a viable option in Cube and Dragon decks. It also appeared a competition winner prize. As a result, many duelists flocked to official tournaments.

With the release of DMX-17, Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor appeared as yet another option for Miramisu decks, being considered by some as the heir of Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush due to its ability of attacking twice as well as being a speed attacking triple breaker that costs 10. In addition to that, Lionel, Lion Zenith Dragon and Wagahai Cat, Destiny Elemental became a strong combo that was hard to break down. Kiriko Cubic, First Model Dragon Emperor attracted a number of spell users who began experimenting with it. However, due to its nature, Faerie Life became difficult to implement in those decks, making it hard to balance the number of creatures and spells, rendering it unable to reach the top meta. But being a card with high potential, we can see if it is able to tap into that power in the future.

DMR-14 Stage[]

A new type of Dragheart appeared, the Dragheart Fortress. Unlike Weapons, which were equipped, there was no risk of losing these new Draghearts to the removal cards such as Terror Pit. Among them, Evidegoras, Dragon Sonic Aircraft Carrier was the most preferred, being both Victory Rare and having Dragon Evade, making it hard to remove. Along with Evidegoras came Metal Avenger Solid, Dragon Ruler, which compared to the original it also had a bounce effect, thus seeing some use in Kaiser Baki decks. Only Dias Zeta, the Temporal Suppressor was one of the few popular cards able to get rid of Dragheart Fortresses, and even so, Mono-Darkness Control found difficulty handling the draw power of Evidegoras.

Gaiglen, Violent Dragon Incident had a heavy cost of 9 and a Mana Arms ability that requires the same amount of fire cards in the player's mana zone, and was seen as one of the worst Victory Rare cards up to date, but was later reevaluated and saw uses in some Drama decks with multicolors.

The attention was averted to Domitius, Evil Emperor of Five Dragonskind, its creature spam effects being reminiscent of Cyber G Hogan. Among the creatures that could be spammed, Babelginus, Demonic Dragon had strong synergy with Domitius, being able to spam further copies of him from the graveyard and creating a powerful reanimation combo. Diamond Aven, Awakening Elemental, Mykee's Pliers and Kiryu Jilves, Gaia's Roar were also good options, for they could either give Domitius and the creatures it spammed either Diamond State or speed attacker. Galamuta, Matchless Fear Lord was also used to stop shield triggers, but since there have been 10 years since this card was first released, a reprint was to be desired, and being a Super Rare, his price has reached a new peak.

DMX-18 brought brought new strong Draguners and Draghearts such as Glenmalt "Explosion", Dragon Ruler and Batorai Keep, Blazing Castle recreating Drama decks. Unlike Balga Dragons, this Fortress also triggered Humans, meaning that other strategies can be adapted to it. Imen=Bugo, Dragon Ruler and Boaroaxe, Evil Tomahawk were resembling of Shoegazer, Bright Deity due to Imen=Bugo's effect, the Mana Arms of Macallan Fine, Explosive Roar could be used and a deck reminiscent of Shoegazer One-Shot was made. Cards such as Raija, Aqua Ninja and Ragmal, Spirit Knight could be used in combo with Boaroaxe in order to Dragsolution Boaropagos, Evil Emperor Ruins.

With the release of DMD-20, more older cards such as Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush and Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal were reprinted. An updated Gaial, Leader Dragon Sword, aka Gaiohburn, Head General Sword appeared. A new strong Mana Arms shield trigger spell appeared, Hero Mystery, Burning Galaxy, which also had the ability to remove Drahgeart Fortresses, thus rivaling the removal of Demon Wolf, Howling Moonlight Castle. Another strong Mana Arms card was Glenmalt "Head", Dimension Dragon Ruler which could get out any card with cost 6 or less from the hyperspatial zone.

As such, many remodeled DMD-20 decks appeared in tournaments, many surprising the players by actually winning them. Most edits were adding Glenmalt "Explosion", Dragon Ruler, Batorai Keep, Blazing Castle along with the finishers Gaiglen, Violent Dragon Incident and Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor, as well as increasing the copies of Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal, basically turning the decks into Batorai Drama. In order to counter those decks, controls with Dorballom D, Demon Dragon King and Alphadios, Lord of Spirits as finishers emerged, both out of necessity and nostalgia.

DMR-15 Stage[]

A new Double Victory rare appeared, Ohginga, Strongest Passion. Glenmalt "King", Dual Sword Dragon Ruler was the first Draguner who could have two weapons equipped. It had great synergy with Gaimusou, Angry Hero and equipped with Gaiheart, Galaxy Greatsword and Protoheart, Galaxy Sword, it allowed for a one-shot kill in pseudo-Steroid decks nicknamed Malt "King", though some of these decks used Child Festival of Faerie Fire besides multicolors.

Among the other noteworthy Draghearts and Draguners were The=Deadman, Dragon Ruler and Niga=Abushumu, Invasive Mystery. Yet, Deadman was mostly used for its own effect to completely gain control of battle field whereas Niga=Abushumu was used to get a strong field advantage as well.

A Light version of Dolgeza, Strong Striker appeared - Southern Renaissance, Resonance Dragon Elemental. Due to its sympathy, it became a favorite in mono Light beatdowns with Sagrada Familia, Vizier of Instant Seal and Schreiber, Vizier of Strictness. Without hesitation, low cost blockers were used too; because of Diamond Sword's presence.

Since Dragheart Fortresses were hard to remove, spells such as Super Phantom Lion's Flame and Dragon Pulse Technique - Fortress Destroyer were made. Under these circumstances, older cards like Dias Zeta, the Temporal Suppressor were no longer used to deal with Evidegoras, Dragon Sonic Aircraft Carrier or Gigaheart, Invincible King Sword and thus Mono-Darkness Control began to see a decline.

In January new tournament results showed that Miramisu was still reigning the meta scene, along with a surprising return of Light/Water/Darkness All Yes discard. Other strong decks were pseudo-mono Fire decks with Glenmalt "King", Dual Sword Dragon Ruler, as well as mono-Light rushes with Southern Renaissance, Resonance Dragon Elemental and Mono-Nature Sasoris decks with Boaroaxe, Evil Tomahawk.

Two weeks after the tournament, a new Hall of Fame update had been announced. Mystery Cube and Hyperspatial Green White Hole would be restricted while Amaterasu, Founder of the Blue Wolves would be banned. Mystery Cube because it had sustained Miramisu for almost two years, while the combo of Green White Hole and Prin Prin, the Victorious proved as being too strong, for it provided both defense and mana recovery for Kaiser Baki and Zenith Turbo. While Amaterasu did not impact the meta that much, its combo with Transmogrify was another alternative for spamming big creatures in Miramisu. A stronger spell casting card, Sr Spellcyclica, Dragment Symbol, had escaped the Hall of Fame for almost a year, but it could be attributed to its strong synergy with Mystery Cube and Green White Hole that it wasn't very threatening without them.

DMR-16 Stage[]

The final chapter of Dragon Saga was split in two. The Goku half was focused on Darkness while the Shin half was focused on Light. The Goku half had been released a month earlier than Shin.

To compensate for the lack of card removal which made Mono-Darkness Control have an increasingly hard time getting around Evidegoras, Dragon Sonic Aircraft Carrier, a new Dragheart Fortress was released: Welcome Hell, Supreme Devil King Palace. Having stronger reanimation abilities than those of Go To Hell, Annihilator Blade, mono-Darkness controls had seen a rise once again.

The first Multicolored Mana Arms and Super Strike Back card appeared: The=Deadbrachio, World Evil Dragonkind. Being intended for 5 color decks, it had synergy with Niga=Abushumu, Invasive Mystery and Imen=Bugo, Dragon Ruler. Using Imen=Bugo with Boaroaxe, Evil Tomahawk, one could bring out Emeralda, Pitch Dragon Elemental, return a shield and trigger the Super Strike Back ability of The=Deadbrachio, as well as help dragsolution Boaroaxe into Boaropagos, Evil Emperor Ruins.

It was around this time that Deis Magician, Ranger of Gaia had started seeing use in combo with Imen=Bugo, Dragon Ruler, creating the so-called Imen Loop deck.

Spell-support versions of Honenbe, Skeletal Guardian and Inferno Sign appeared in the forms of Spellbe, Aqua Spellcaster and Dragment Innovation. A cycle of Dragheart Fortresses which united into All Over The World, Supreme True Dragon Soul appeared but could not be completed or used properly until the release of the Shin half. In the meantime, Mono-Nature rush had been enforced by Bell the Elemental, which also had great synergy in Mono-Nature Sasoris.

The Double Victory of this set, MaltNEXT, Super Battle Dragon Ruler has yet to demonstrate its true value. While it does have synergy with Gaiheart, Galaxy Greatsword, since it doesn't have speed attacker on its own, it has been combined with Gaial Axel and Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal in order to work with Batorai Edge, Blazing Sword. One of the ways it could be done in fail-safe manner was with Gaimusou. However, with the help of Heart Burn, Battle General Galaxy Fortress, MaltNEXT could live up to its Double Victory rarity.

With the release of the DMR-16 Shin half, Endless Heaven, True Holy Church was brought to enforce Mono-Light Dragheart, though it also has some synergy with Glenmalt "Head", Dimension Dragon Ruler in Malt "King".

With the newly implemented Hall of Fame, Miramisu was wiped out of the tournament results while Kaiser Baki found Hyperspatial White Blue Hole, Miraculous Truce and Emeralda, Pitch Dragon Elemental as alternatives to Hyperspatial Green White Hole.

Ultimately at the end of Dragon Saga there was no longer a deck that overpowered the others, meaning that the environment had finally been stabilized.

Though most decks have now switched to being monocolored, Codeking Wilhelm is still being used in the meta as part of few big mana multicolored decks (at times even when not using any other Darkness cards). But other than Water, Dragon Saga had managed to enforce mono decks into competitive environments.

But since there is more deck compatibility now than ever, it can be said that luck is now the decisive factor in the game.

Competitive Decks[]

Important Cards[]

New cards:

Old Cards:



