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Faerie Life
Faerie Life
Japanflag Phonetic: Fearī Raifu
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 2
English Text:

​​Shield Trigger Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.)

■ Put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Japanese Text:

Shield Trigger S・トリガー (この呪文をシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ唱えてもよい)

■ 自分の山札の上から1枚目を、自分のマナゾーンに置く。

Flavor Texts: The Faeries took the shattered rainbow in stride. To them, magic is magic. (DM-10)
お芽々がぽっこり~ 雪からにょっきり~ Let's make the small buds grow, sticking out from the snow~ (DM-06, DMC-06, DMC-33, DMC-42, DMPCD-01)
歌う妖精。フェアリーいい曲。全部いい曲。たくさん聴いて、大きく育て。Singing Faeries. Nice Faerie songs. Listen to them a lot, and grow a lot to become big. (DM-10, DMC-15, DMC-22, DMS-03)
歌う妖精。フェアリーいい曲。たくさん聴いて、大きく育て. Singing Faeries. Nice Faerie songs. They're all so nice. Listen to them a lot, and grow a lot to become big. (DMC-20)
楽しいデュエルになりそうだね! イエイ! "This might become a fun duel! Yay!" ─Bucketman (DMC-47)
2秒で咲いてね! Bloom in 2 seconds! (DM-32)
小さいけれど、大きな仕事! It may be small, but it is big work! (DMC-59, DMX-02, DMX-09, DMPCD-03)
大地の恵みが、 ドラゴン同士の戦いをさらに加速させる。The blessing up Earth sped up the battle between Dragons. (DMD-07)
自分達にできることを、そう考えたフェアリーたちは、ただただマナを増やす。その姿は純潔というほかない。…桜、その花言葉は純潔。 The Faeries continued to increase mana, thinking of what they could do. That form is nothing but pure. ...Cherry Blossom, is Purity in the Language of Flowers.(DMX-12 b108)
あこがれは、あこがれているだけでは意味がない。少しでもあこがれに近づくために、フェアリーはマナを増やす。…ひまわり、その花言葉はあこがれ。Yearning is nothing if there is only yearning. To become closer, even by a little, the Faeries increased mana. ...Sunflower, is Yearning in the Language of Flowers. (DMX-12 b109)
マナと愛は似ている。つぎ込めばつぎ込むほど、より大きな成果となっていく。そして、必要であることが、いつまでも変わらないところも。…桔梗、その花言葉は変わらぬ愛。Mana is like love. By investing more and more, it will result in a greater outcome. And, from the very start, they are necessary. ...Bellflower, is Unchanging Love in the Language of Flowers. (DMX-12 b110)
冬の寒い時期、フェアリーたちは理想の愛を求めてマナを蓄え続ける。それが、自分達の役割と信じて。…椿、その花言葉は、理想の愛。In the frosty winters, the Faeries continue to search for the Ideal love by storing mana. They believe is their responsibility. ...Camelia, is Ideal Love in the Language of Flowers. (DMX-12 b111)
えいえんの大定番。The standard of eternity. (DMX-14)
妖精たちは、アウトレイジの求める自由のために、協力することを決めた。The Faeries decided to help the Outrages in search for their freedom. (DMD-11)
アウトレイジですら守るルールがある。それは、最初の一歩を大事にするということ。Even the Outrages had rules. It means taking the first step seriously. (DMD-13)
まだ芽生えたばかりの革命の力。だが、この一歩が、世界を変える大きな力となる。The power of the revolution is still in its infancy. However, this step will become a great force that will change the world. (DMR-17)
浪速はフェアリーも猛虎魂に溢れてるんやで! "In Naniwa, even the fairies are filled with the fierce spirit of the Tigers!" (DMX-22, Osaka)
おみゃーら、どえりゃー戦略みたってちょ、このエビフリャーも期待しとるでね。"You guys better come up with an amazing strategy, this shrimp fry is counting on it too!" (DMX-22, Aichi)
日本三景、厳島は広島の宝じゃけーのー。"Itsukushima, one of Japan's Three Views, is truly a treasure of Hiroshima." (DMX-22, Hiroshima)
博多は旨いもんたくさんあるとよ。 だから、こげん豊かに芽生えたとよ! "Hakata is full of delicious food. That's why it has grown so abundantly!" (DMX-22, Fukuoka)
こげな寒いとこでも、祭りも芽生えもあるっちゃよ。"Even in a place this cold, there are festivals and new beginnings, you know." (DMX-22, Tohoku)
ほら、チャキチャキマナふやすぜ、べらぼうめ! "Look here, we're gonna increase our mana like crazy, you fool!" (DMX-22, Tokyo)
スノーフェアリーの奉仕の心は、受賞理由に十分すぎた。でも、 スノーフェアリーたちは受賞は全て、 ご主人様たちのおかげだと思っている。"The Snow Faeries' spirit of service was more than enough to earn them the award. However, the Snow Faeries believe that all the credit for the award belongs to their masters." (DMX-24)
マナを増やして 、大型クリーチャーを出す! それがこのデッキのハムカツ団の戦略! 革命チェンジとドギラゴン・ガチャで大逆転を目指せ! "Increase your mana and summon big creatures! That's the strategy of the Team Hamukatsu in this deck! Aim for a massive comeback with Revolution Change and Dogiragon Gacha!" (DMD-34)
妖精と呼ばれた存在は、ほぼ居なくなったが、代わりに一部の昆虫兵士が妖精の如く、自然を育んでいる。"While beings once called fairies have almost disappeared, some insect soldiers have taken their place, nurturing nature just like the fairies did." (DMRP-01)
見習いフェアリーの初仕事。ちっぽけだけど大事な仕事。The first work of Faerie apprentices. A tiny, but important, work. (P6/Y2)
凄腕のフェアリーは春の訪れをも早める。The power of the Faeries resulted in Spring coming sooner. (P7/Y2)
小さな妖精が生み出す命の光に、みんなほっこり幸せ気分! Make every one cozy and blessed with the Light of Life produced by the small Faeries! (P53/Y9)
大きなお花を咲かせまショ! Let's make large flowers bloom! (P35/Y10)
大地は全てに分け隔て無く恵みを与える。The Earth gives blessings with no discrimination. (P17/Y11)
踏みだそうよ、その一歩を! わたしがいつだってついてるから! "Let's take that first step! I'll always be with you!" (P87/Y13)
コロコロ40週年&デュエマ15周年、ダブルでお祝い! これからも、グングン行くわよ! "Celebrating 40 years of Corocoro and 15 years of Duel Masters—double the celebration! From now on, we'll keep going full throttle!" (P9/Y16)
みんなの努力がこの場で花開く! "Everyone's efforts will bloom here!" (P16/Y16)
君の健闘を称える! "I commend your hard work!" (P19/Y16)
古の大会から今に至るまで。きっと、世界で一番2ターン目に使われた呪文。From the ancient tournaments to the present day, it's surely the most used spell on the second turn in the world. (DMEX-06)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: Tomofumi Ogasawara
Mikio Masuda
akira actagawa
Yuki Hayashi
Shigenobu Matsumoto
Yosuke Yabumoto
DM-06 Stomp-A-Trons of Invincible Wrath text-align
98/110 — Common Common
DM-06 Invincible Soul text-align
110/110 — Common Common
DM-10 Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow text-align
83/110 — Common Common
DM-10 Eternal Arms text-align
109/110 — Common Common
DM-32 Evolution Saga text-align
109/110 — Common Common
DMC-06 Dragon Strikes Deck Dmc5-8symbol
82/82 — Common Common
DMC-22 Hell Boost Half Deck Dmc22-24symbol
43/43 — Common Common
DMC-15 Eternal Dragons Deck Dmc14-17symbol
77/78 — Common Common
DMC-20 Shobu's Holy Dragon Power-Up Pack Dmc18-21symbol
101/102 — Common Common
DMC-33 Edge of Dragon Dmc32-33symbol
27/27 — Common Common
DMC-42 CoroCoro Dream Pack 3: Eternal Gear Dmc42symbol
89/90 — Common Common
DMC-47 Heroes Cross Pack - Shobu Dmc47-48symbol
42/44 — Common Common
DMC-57 The God Kingdom Dmc56-57symbol
39/39 — Common Common
DMC-59 Samurai Ambitious PS
12/12 — Common Common
DMX-02 Deck Builder DX: Hunter Edition E1
39/42 — Common Common
DMX-09 Deck Builder Oni DX Go For It! Katta Edition
54/56 — Common Common
DMX-12 Black Box Pack E2
b108/???, b109/???, b110/???, b111/??? — Common Common
DMD-07 Transform Deck Set DX Oni Dragon
16/24 — Common Common
DMX-14 The Greatest Strategies Perfect 12
83/84 — Common Common
DMD-11 Forbidden Transform Deck: The Book of Outrage E3
c21/21 — Common Common
DMD-13 Super Deck MAX: Katsuking and Legendary Secret Treasure
22/22 — Common Common
DMR-13 Dragsolution Gaiginga DS
109/110 — Common Common
DMR-17 Burning Dogiragon!! Rev
94/94 — Common Common
DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack Rev
b70/???, b140/???, b141/???, b142/???, b143/???, b144/???, b145/??? — Common Common
DMD-34 Deluxe DueGacha Deck: Hero of the Silver Blade Dogiragon RevF
13/13 — Common Common
DMX-24 Shine! Duedemy Prize Pack RevF
53/54 — Common Common
DMRP-01 Here Come the Jokers!! DM
93/93 — Common Common
DMEX-01 Duel Masters: Golden Best
G10/G10 — Common Common
DMEX-06 The Super King!! DueKing Pack GR
96/98 — Common Common
DMBD-09 Ultimate Chronicle Deck 2019: Gachinko! Kaiser Blade Oga
20/20 — Common Common
DMBD-11 Gachi Yaba 4! Infinite Modifier Deck Set DX!! Joe's BigBang GR GR
基本J A15/A15 — Common Common
DMEX-08 Mysterious Black Box Pack
104/??? — Common Common
DMEX-09 W-Team Docking Pack: Team Kirifuda & Team Wave TK
38/42 — Common Common
DMBD-13 Chronicle Final Wars Deck: Psychic Meteor Saga
23/26, 24/26, 25/26, 26/26 — Common Common
DMPCD-01 DueMa Play's CollaboDeck: The Rise of Überdragon & The Rise of Heavenly Gate
天16/16 — Common Common
DMEX-15 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Souls The BEST of Great Scenes
97/100, 98/100 — Common Common
DMEX-17 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Ultimacy Dueking MAX
超4/超40 [2003] — Common Common
DMBD-18 Legend Super Deck: The Storm of Divine Songs
13/14 — Common Common
DMSD-20 King Master Start Deck: Joe's Star Max Evolution TROKMAX
17/17 — Common Common
DMRP-21 Oni Yaba Counterattack Star Max!! TROKMAX
TF20/TF20, T20/T20 — Common Common
DMPCD-03 DueMaPlay's Collaboration Deck: The Fierce Dragon Hero and the Original Wicked Eye
激16/激17 — Common Common
Promotional Promotional
P6/Y2, P7/Y2, P53/Y9, P35/Y10, P17/Y11, P87/Y13, P16/Y15, P26/Y15, P16/Y16, P19/Y16, P102/Y16, P92/Y17, P1/Y19, 神P1/Y22, 神P2/Y22, 神P3/Y22, 神P4/Y22, 神P5/Y22, 神P6/Y22, 神P7/Y22, 神P8/Y22, P30/Y21 — Common Common
Other Card Information: