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Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Hero: DASH
Duel Hero - BD
Release: May 28th, 2011
Artist: Shigenobu Matsumoto
Booktype: Paperback Pocket Edition
Publisher: Coro Coro Comics
Distributor: Ladybug Comics
Next: Revolution
Previous: Haouden Gachi!!

Duel Hero: DASH is a series of the Duel Masters manga based on the Duel Hero Yuu and Duel Hero Atsuto.


  • This series was introduced as Duel Hero: BD (full name Duel Hero: Beginer's DASH) just as a oneshot. Then it was officially released as a side series.
  • This series is based on the popular characters; Duel Hero Yuu and Duel Hero Atsuto from the Duel Masters Victory anime series and the TV hosts of Duel Masters Dash TV.
  • These characters were first introduced in Duel Hero: Beginners DASH an issue in Duel Masters E1 Special Edition from Coro Coro Magazine on July 2, 2011. This issue had only the first 2 chapters of the official manga volume, which was later released as a series. 
  • In this series the story revolves around these 2 characters and their boss Greg from the DASH organization.


デュエル・マスターズ マンガでわかるE1完全攻略ガイド


デュエルマスターズの新1弾エピソード1の完全攻略まんが約110ページに加え、さらにまんがを丁寧に解説した大充実の記事50ページも掲載!! ふろくカードは完全限定「激竜ガイアール・B」だ!!


新種族のハンターとエイリアンも誕生し、カードが合体する新能力「覚醒リンク」も完成!!! メチャクチャ面白いカード新1弾、エピソード1の全てを最速で完全公開!! 今年10年目を迎え、カードデザインも一新し、心機一転リニューアル!! ますます面白くなるデュエマのこれからに大注目だ!!!

