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Dolgo Barlowe, Demon's Birth Devil Priest
Japanflag Japanese (base): 魔誕神官ドルゴ・バーロウ
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 9
Race: Demon Command
English Text:

​​Shield Trigger Shield trigger

When you put this creature, your opponent chooses one of their creatures and destroys it.

Varavariety 3: When you put this creature, put a creature that costs 8 or less from your graveyard. (If you have 3 or more elements that have different costs, this creature gets this ability.)

Japanese Text:

Shield Trigger S・トリガー

■ このクリーチャーが出た時、相手は自身のクリーチャーを1体選び、破壊する。

■ バラバラエティ3:このクリーチャーが出た時、コスト8以下のクリーチャーを1体、自分の墓地から出す。(コストが異なる自分のエレメントが3つ以上あれば、このクリーチャーにこの能力を与える)

Power: 3000
Flavor Texts: 愛する者を奪われた時の感情や、喜怒哀楽が極まりきった感情……それが魔誕を成就させるぅ!バーロッロッロッ! "When the feelings of having a loved one taken away or the extreme peaks of happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are reached... that is what fulfills the Demon's Birth! Bar-lo-lo-lo!" -Dolgo Barlowe, Demon's Birth Devil Priest (DM24-RP4)
我が祖先より伝わる悪魔世界が、今復活するのじゃ!ドールゴッゴッゴ! "The Demon World passed down from my ancestors shall now be revived! Dol-go-go-go!" -Dolgo Barlowe, Demon's Birth Devil Priest (DM24-RP4, ㊙16)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: KISUKE
DM24-RP4 World of Ballom RR
17/76, ㊙16/㊙24 — Rare Rare
Other Card Information: