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Divine Evolution Saga
Japanflag 神化編エボリューション・サーガ (Shinka Hen)
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Divine Evolution Saga is the 8th block of card sets in the Duel Masters trading card game.

List of Sets[]

It is composed of sets released between June 27, 2009 and March 20, 2010.

DM Sets

DMC Sets

It also features promotional cards from Year 8.


The Galaxy Shot - HELL creates a spatial rift where Ancient creatures appear and invade the world, and forces such as the White Knights, Reapers and NEX were set to stop them along with Evolution Creatures.



デュエル・マスターズ8番目のシリーズ。 「神化編」と書いて「エボリューション・サーガ」と読む。 「神化」は「進化」そして「神(ゴッド)」にかけられており、手札進化・墓地進化・デッキ進化・究極進化・超無限進化など新たな進化が登場し、ゴッドも多少フィーチャーされている。 DMの大きな華とも言える進化クリーチャーが前面に押し出されたシリーズで、どのエキスパンションも今までとは比較できないほど進化獣の収録枚数が多い。



新たな進化手段が数多く生まれ、縦に直結する新型G・リンクが登場した DM-32 「神化編(エボリューション・サーガ) 第1弾」 進化クリーチャーやそのサポート、名前を参照するカードが充実してきた DM-33 「神化編 第2弾 太陽の龍王(ライジング・ドラゴン)」 メテオバーンが再フィーチャーされ、ゴッドの進化クリーチャーも登場した DM-34 「神化編 第3弾 烈火の刃(クロス・ジェネレーション)」 6体ものクリーチャーがリンクする起源神と、究極進化のさらに上の進化形態「究極進化MAX」が登場した DM-35 「神化編 第4弾 超極竜VS六体神(ネバーエンディング・サーガ)」 の4つ。

今まで通りの安定した強さと実用性を持ったカードもあるが、どちらかというと究極進化や大型G・リンクをはじめ、初期状態では枚数の足りない大型メテオバーンや究極進化MAXなど、今まで以上にハイリスク・ハイリターンな要素を含んだカードが目立つ。 その弾だけでは意味の薄いカード(前後の弾に相方が存在するゴッド、進化先が前後の弾に存在するクリーチャーなど)も多く見られる。 戦国編以上にビートダウン推奨のカード中心で、コントロールデッキ向けのカードは少ない傾向にある。 フィッシュ、リビング・デッドなどのいくつかの種族が再収録されている。絶滅していたものが復活したというよりか、もはやプレイヤーからほとんど忘れられていたような種族が多いため、意外性を醸し出している。 文明ごとにメインとなる種族が決まっているらしく、一部の種族だけ他より数が多い。光はライトブリンガー、水はサイバー系、闇はパラサイトワーム、火はファイアー・バード、自然はドリームメイトとなっている。 収録されている進化クリーチャーは墓地進化などの条件進化やオリジン進化が多くなっており、進化元が手に入らなくて進化クリーチャーが使えないという事態を抑えられるようになっている。 戦国編にひき続きヒーローズ・カードが収録されている。また今回は一部のカードを除きキャラクターがそのカードのコスプレをしている。 戦国編はインフレが凄まじいと言われるが、実質的に小型クリーチャーのインフレは《黙示賢者ソルハバキ》を始めとしてここから始まったと言える。特にコスト2のクリーチャーのスペックには目を見張るものがある。

Many effects based on Evolution were in these sets, leading to the Ultimate evolution and Ultimate evolution MAX abilities. High costing God Link creatures also featured throughout, leading to a series of cards with a High-risk but also High-return elements.

Cards in these sets often focused on higher power on creatures rather than using control.

Old races such as Fish and Living Dead re-appeared which were often thought to have been discounted and forgotten about by players.

Each Civilization had a race they focused on more than others. Light was Light Bringer, Water was the Cyber race category, Darkness was Parasite Worm, Fire was Fire Bird and Nature was Dreammate.

Graveyard evolution creatures were seen as very powerful due to not needing additional cards in your hand or battle zone to evolve from. The popularity of these cards continued though the sagas after their release.

More Heroes Cards were printed and featured more cards with Characters from the anime being printed on the artwork. They now cosplay as the creature on the artwork.



DM-32 Stage[]

The decks continued to follow a wide variety of decks in the metagame. Various Water Cyber Evolution Creatures appeared, such as Emperor Tina gave strength to the mono-Water Civilization decks.

With Death March, Reaper Puppeteer and Worm Gowarski, Masked Insect the Darkness / Nature Darkness Nature rush decktype began to form causing multiple forms of rush decks to appear.

While DM-32 released Emperor Kiriko and many new deck types based on it were created, it did not yet lead to a powerful decktype.

A rulings change involving the ​Shield Trigger Shield Trigger interaction between Marshall Queen and Memories of the Planetary Dragon led to it being the main deck in the competitive scene for a long period of time.

DM-33 Stage[]

With Soulswap in the Hall of Fame and Crest of Mother restricted to 1, it led players to experiment with the newly released Sanctuary of the Mother. However, due to it requiring an evolution creature decks were made using King Alcadeias, Holy Gaia and Romanesque, Dragon Wizard.

In these decks, Emperor Kiriko and Amaterasu, Founder of the Blue Wolves created great compatibility by arranging strong creatures and "put in the battle zone effects".

The new Hall of Fame changes were declared on December 19. 2009. The restriction of King Alcadeias, Holy Gaia, Perfect Galaxy, Immortality Elemental weakened the "Galaxy Control" deck. With the restriction of Inferno Sign and addition of Inferno Gate on the premium banlist also lead to a decline of "Reanimate" decks.

This caused the mono-water rush and Dolgazer based decks to lead again.

DM-34 Stage[]

With Bolshack Cross NEX released, the Kiriko / Romanesk deck was enhanced. The additional Emperor Maribel to the Water rush decks caused problems for Dolgazer, due to bouncing back Kirino Giant and slowing them down.

Since decks involving Soul Advantage had shifted to Hand Destruction decks involving Jenny, the Dismantling Puppet, a rise of decks utilizing Baiken, Blue Dragon of the Hidden Blade and Shinobi creatures arose to counter it.

With Fire/Nature, Water and Darkness Nature rush decks no long apparent on the meta, the Hydro Hurricane deck gained popularity in the metagame.

DM-35 Stage[]

The national tournament Master Class showed that while Emperor Kiriko decks were thought to win, 1st and 2nd place were taken by anti-meta control decks: Light/Water/Darkness and Light/Darkness/Nature respectively. This 1st deck used Belfegius, Emperor of Death and Svengali Crawler which caused a small lock on your opponent's creatures.

May 15, 2010, announced additional changes to the Hall of Fame, completely banning King Alcadeias, Holy Gaia and stopping the King-Queen lock. Water decks also started to fall in usage as Paradise Aroma was limited to 1 copy.

This led to Mad Romanov and Graveyard decks to rise in the meta-game once again. However, in a later May tournament the first place was taken by a Bolmeteus Steel Dragon control deck, with the second place being a deck based on Fernando the 7th, Emperor of Mystic Light and the third and fourth place taken by Beginning Romanov, Lord of the Demonic Eye decks.

Competitive Decks[]

Important Cards[]
