Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
This is a Vanilla card.
Detroit Techno, Sacred Demon
Japanflag Kana: しんせいき (Shinseiki)
Civilization: Colorless
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Race: Oraclion
Power: 7000
Flavor Text: オラクリオンを信奉する派閥は、裏教義に従ってブリティッシュをオラクリオンへと変化させた。オラクリオンとなったブリティッシュは、その力でオラクル全体の力を強化していくのだった。だが、それも全て、「黒幕」の手の平の上の出来事。 The faction that believed in Oraclions were varied, but they were brought back to the doctrine of Oraclion with British. British became an Oraclion to strengthen the total force of the Oracles. But the events were all the plans of "Mastermind". (DMR-11)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: jintetsu
DMR-11 Episode 3: Ultra Victory Master
1/55 — Very Rare Very Rare
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