Death March, Reaper Puppeteer
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Civilization: | Darkness |
Card Type: | Evolution Creature |
Mana Cost: | 1 |
Race: | Death Puppet |
English Text: |
Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.) ■ Graveyard evolution—Choose a darkness creature in your graveyard and put this card into the battle zone on top of that creature. ■ Whenever this creature battles, your opponent's creature gets -4000 power until the end of the battle. (A creature that has power 0 or less is destroyed.) |
Japanese Text: |
ブロッカー(このクリーチャーをタップして、相手クリーチャーの攻撃先をこのクリーチャーに変更してもよい) ■ 墓地進化-闇のクリーチャーを1体自分の墓地から選び、このクリーチャーをその上に重ねつつバトルゾーンに出す。 ■ このクリーチャーがバトルする時、そのバトルの終わりまで、バトルしている相手クリーチャーのパワーは-4000される。(パワー0以下のクリーチャーは破壊される) |
Power: | 1000 |
Flavor Texts: | 闇へと堕ちた魂は、絶望という名の糸で操られる。A soul that has fallen into darkness is manipulated by threads named despair. (DM-32) 屍こそが、悪魔たちの苗床。Death is the nursery of demons. (DMC-60) 超強いけど、赤ん坊だからまだまだ伸びしろのあるジョージ。そんなジョージの将来性が連続進化戦略として今蘇る! George is extremely strong, but since he is still a baby, there is still a lot of potential for growth. The future potential of George is now reviving as a continuous evolution strategy! (DMEX-16) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
DM-32 Evolution Saga
54/110 — Uncommon DMC-60 Eternal Death 7/14 — Uncommon DMX-09 Deck Builder Oni DX Go For It! Katta Edition 31/56 — Uncommon DMX-20 Deck Ultimate Perfection!! Due-Max 160 ~Revolution & Invasion~ 42/68 — Uncommon DMX-24 Shine! Duedemy Prize Pack 27/54 — Uncommon DMEX-16 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Skills The Heroes' Way Perfect 20 79/100 — Rare DM22-RP1 Legendary Jashin SP4/SP5 — Rare Promotional P49/Y10 — Uncommon | |
Other Card Information:
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Death March, Reaper Puppeteer