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Death Hands, Misfortune Emperor
きょうさつおう デス・ハンズ
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Race: Dark Lord
English Text:

​​Shield Trigger Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)

When you put this creature, choose one of your opponent's creatures and destroys it.

Japanese Text:

Shield Trigger S・トリガー (このクリーチャーをシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ召喚してもよい)

■ このクリーチャーが出た時、相手のクリーチャーを1体選び、破壊する。

Power: 2000
Flavor Texts: デーモンの手に封じられし凶殺皇がついに姿をあらわした。 The demon hand has finally been embodied in the form of a Misfortune Emperor. (DMR-17)
トリガーでプレイヤーを守るだけじゃなく、クリーチャーとして攻撃も可能! 最強クラスのシールド・トリガーだ! In addition to protecting players with a trigger, you can also attack as a creature! It is the strongest class shield trigger! (DMSP-01)
S・トリガーは防御の要! 逆転のチャンスを見逃すな!! "Shield Trigger is essential for defense! Don't miss the chance for a comeback!" (DMSD-15)
シールド・トリガーでこいつを出せれば、相手の攻撃をふせぎつつ、つぎのターンには攻撃できる! こいつから逆転を目指せ! "If you can deploy this with Shield Trigger, you can defend against the opponent's attacks and attack on the next turn! Aim for a reversal from this one!" (Gum2)
S・トリガーは防御の切り札!トリガーしたら相手のまだ攻撃していないクリーチャーをたおして、自分のターンに逆転だ!! Shield Trigger is the trump card for defense! When triggered, destroy your opponent's creatures that haven't attacked yet, and turn it around on your turn!! (SpDeck9)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: NAKAMURA 8
Other Card Information: