Darkness Ganveet, the Assassin Awakened
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Kana: | きょうじん (Kyōjin) |
Civilization: | Darkness |
Card Type: | Psychic Creature |
Mana Cost: | 13 |
Race: | Demon Command |
English Text: |
■ Whenever this creature attacks, your opponent chooses a card in their hand and discards it, then chooses one of their creatures and destroys it. ■ Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーが攻撃する時、相手は、自身の手札を1枚選んで捨て、その後、自身のクリーチャーを1体選んで破壊する。 ■ |
Watermark(s): | |
Power: | 9000 |
Flavor Texts: | Ζよ、貴様の思い通りにはさせん! -凶刀の覚醒者ダークネス・ガンヴィート Z, I won't allow you to have everything your way! ─Darkness Ganveet, the Assassin Awakened (DM-39) 破壊して、破壊して、破壊しろ! それが闇文明の流儀だ!Destroy, destroy and destroy! This is the style of the Darkness civilization!─Darkness Ganveet, the Assassin Awakened (DMD-19) 勝太たちにとっては敵であっても、バサラはNo.2たちにとって間違いなくヒーローであった。Even though he was an enemy for Katta and others, Basara was definitely a hero for Number 2. (DMBD-21) |
Mana Number: | 0 |
Illustrator: | RUI MARUYAMA |
DM-39 Psychic Splash
11b/55 — Rare DMD-19 Super Victory Deck: Annihilation Dragon Sword Diabolos 15b/22 — Rare DMBD-21 Chronicle Dark Side Deck: Big Bang 10b/27 — Rare Promotional P66b/Y9 — Rare | |
Other Card Information:
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