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Duel Masters Wiki
DMSD-20 King Master Start Deck:
Joe's Star Max Evolution

キングマスタースタートデッキ: ジョーのS-MAXスターマックス進化しんか
Translation: King Master Start Deck
Joe's Star Max Evolution
Gallery: DMSD-20 Card Set Gallery
Rulings: Set FAQ
Release Date: April 9, 2022
Civilization(s): Light / Nature
Main Race(s): Jokers / RexStars
Next Set: DMSD-21 King Master Start Deck: Abaku's Oni RexStars
Previous Set: DMSD-19 King Master Start Deck: Hyde's Dispector N-EXT
Block: The Rise of Kings MAX TROKMAX

King Master Start Deck: Joe's Star Max Evolution is the 20th DMSD set in the OCG.


It introduces the Star Max Evolution Creature and Tamaseed card types.

In rare cases, Savark (Galaxy Star) can appear as a golden card as a 20th SP Gold Rare printing.


This set introduces the following keywords;

Shinkarise:You may put evolution creatures on this Tamaseed as if it were a creature.
Star Max Evolution: When you would lose the game, destroy this creature instead or discard a "NAME" from your hand. (This creature doesn't need an evolution source. If you have 2 or more Star Max Evolution Creatures, one of them stays and return the rest of your hand.)


(Cards marked with a ☆ are exclusive to this deck.)

Contents sorted by Civilizations[]

Light Light Civilization: 25

Nature Nature Civilization: 15

