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Duel Masters Wiki
DMD-04 Strong Metal Deck: Strongest National Sport
ストロング・メタル・デッキ 最強国技
Translation: Strong Metal Deck: Strongest National Sport
Gallery: DMD-04 Card Set Gallery
Rulings: Set FAQ
Release Date: November 19, 2011
Civilization(s): Darkness / Fire
Main Race(s): Alien / Living Dead
Next Set: DMD-05 Rising Dash Deck: Infinite Attack!
Previous Set: DMD-03 Strong Metal Deck: Explosive Dash
Block: Episode 1 E1

Strong Metal Deck: Strongest National Sport is the 4th DMD set in the OCG.


The cover shows a new Psychic Super Creature, Hyper Overthrow, Nation's Strongest Sumo included into the deck.

Both DMD-03 and DMD-04 contain a deck of 40 cards and for the first time, 2 unique Psychic Creatures that are printed as a "Metal" card. As psychic creatures are not placed into the main deck, these cards are legal to play in tournaments.


Contents sorted by Civilizations[]

Darkness Darkness Civilization: 24

Fire Fire Civilization: 12

DarknessFire Darkness Fire: 4

Psychic Creatures: 2

