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DM23-BD1 Legend Super Deck:
Creation of the Forbidden King

Translation: Legend Super Deck: Creation of the Forbidden King
Gallery: DM23-BD1 Card Set Gallery
Release Date: August 5, 2023
Civilization(s): Light / Water / Darkness / Fire / Nature
Main Race(s): Distas / Dispector
New World Dragon
Next Set: DM23-BD2 Game Designers Selection Deck: Fire Darkness Jyaoumon
Previous Set: DM22-BD2 Game Designers Selection Deck: Light Water Fire Kira Star
Block: Abyss Revolution AREV
Price: 8,250円 (Tax Included)

Legend Super Deck: Creation of the Forbidden King is the 1st DM23-BD set in the Duel Masters OCG.


  • It consists of a 40 card main deck, 10 "Super Extra Cards", and 1 of 10 "Black Extra Cards".
    • It also includes a set of 42 Card Sleeves (out of 4 designs).
  • It is based on the '5C Volzeos Balamord' decktype.
  • The four spells feature a Dispector from the various Dispector civilization combinations (except Water Fire Nature).
Card Name: Dispector: Set:
Heavenash Sign Dorphadillom, Holy Demon Concatenated King DMRP-17
Lost Re:Soul Dokindante Twenty Two, Forbidden Time Hybrid King DMRP-18
Life Gate, Gate of Earth Romanogri-La the 0th, Zero Prison Connected King DMRP-19
Earth Dragon God's Magic Encampment Mikadoleo, Doomsday Sutured King DMRP-20
  • While the deck includes only 4 monocolored cards, 10 cards are able to untap themselves when put into the mana zone from your hand.
  • It is the first Legend Super Deck to include cards in the Darkness Civilization.
  • The reminder text of EX Life was omited on most Dispector cards, with the exception of 'Double Cross DD Zeta, Concatenated Awakened' and 'Perfect World, Connected Planetary Soul'.
  • Radiof Roseld, Sutured Dark Wisdom was given the Super Rare rarity.

New Cards

Each of the new Dispectors (except 'The=Killer Kinari') have their composed cards appearing as Oni RexStars.


(Cards with ☆ are exclusive to this deck.)

Super Extra Card[]

Black Extra Card[]

Contents sorted by Civilizations[]

Darkness Darkness Civilization: 2

Nature Nature Civilization: 2

LightDarkness Light Darkness: 2

LightNature Light Nature: 4

WaterNature Water Nature: 4

LightWaterFire Light Water Fire: 2

LightDarknessFire Light Darkness Fire: 6

LightDarknessNature Light Darkness Nature: 6

WaterDarknessNature Water Darkness Nature: 8

WaterFireNature Water Fire Nature: 4


