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Cycle/DMR-17 to DMR-20
Next: DMR-21 to DMR-23
Previous: DMR-13 to DMR-16

The following is a list of cycles that appeared during DMR-17 to DMR-20, also known as Rev Revolution.

DMD-21, DMD-22, DMD-23[]

Each of these creatures are Command Dragons and are the main characters of the Revolution Background Story.

Each of these evolution creatures has a mana cost of 4, 6000 power, a Come Into Play ability and are partially named after the "Startdash" cycle from 'DMR-09'.

DMR-17 Burning Dogiragon!![]

Each of these evolution creatures has a Command Dragon and Revolutionary race as well as the "Revolution" ability word.

Each of these evolution creatures has the Invader race, a Command race and the "Invasion" keyword.

Each of these uncommon evolution creatures has the Invader race and the "Invasion" keyword.

Each of these creatures has an ability that can give them a Command race as an additional race.

Each of these creatures has the "Shield Saver" keyword and an ability that triggers when they leave the battle zone.

Each of these high-cost creatures has the ​Shield Trigger "Shield Trigger" keyword and a Come into Play ability.

Each of these quasi-vanilla creatures has the ​Shield Trigger "Shield Trigger" keyword.

Each of these spells are based on previously released spells and has "Revolution" in their names.

Each of these spells has the "Charger" keyword. Each card is a reprint (except for Peeping Charger).

Each of these rare spells has the 'Revolution 0 Trigger' keyword. This was finished as a megacycle in DMR-18 and DMR-19.

Each of these common creatures has the Invader race and an Attack Trigger ability that triggers when your opponent has 2 shields or less.

DMX-20 Deck Ultimate Perfection!! Due-Max 160 ~Revolution & Invasion~[]

The following cards are a pair of creatures whose tactic corresponds to a character in the anime.

DMR-18 Seize the Moment, Miradante!![]

Each of these Super Rare creatures has a Command and the Invader race, as well as the Invasion keyword.

Each of these evolution creatures has a mana cost of 3, 5000 power as well as a Command and the Invader race, as well as the Invasion keyword.

Each of these creatures has a mana cost of 5, and can reduce their cost by 2 if you reveal an evolution creature from your hand.

Each of these creatures has the "Revolution 2" ability word and the ​Shield Trigger "Shield Trigger" keyword.

Each of these creatures has a "Mana Arms 3" ability word, that triggers if you have if there are 3 cards of their respective civilization in your mana zone.

Each of these spells has the 'Revolution 0 Trigger' keyword. This finished as a megacycle in DMR-19.

DMR-19 Forbidden Dokindam X[]

Each of these creatures has an ability that triggers when you attack for the first time in a turn.

Each of these spells has the "​Shield Trigger Shield Trigger" keyword and 2 modal abilities.

Each of these Invader evolution creatures has the "Invasion" keyword for creatures that cost 3 or more and an ability that triggers after the creature attacks.

Each of these creatures has the "Shield Saver" keyword and a Come Into Play ability that puts one of your shields into another zone (except for Di).

Each of these creatures has an ability that triggers whenever you put an evolution creature on one of your other creatures.

Each of these common cards has the "Revolution 2" ability word.

Each of these spells has the 'Revolution 0 Trigger' keyword. This finished a megacycle from DMR-17 and DMR-18.

DMR-20 Gyuujinmaru's True Identity!![]

Each of these Invader evolution creatures has the "Invasion" keyword for creatures that cost 5 or more.

Each of these Invader evolution creatures has the "Invasion" keyword for creatures that cost 3 or more.

Each of these creatures has an ability that triggers when you have more creatures than shields.

Each of these creatures has an ability that trigger when they attack for the first time that turn.

Each of these creatures has the "Mana Arms 3" ability word.

Each of these spells has a full art card frame and feature a prominent creature from the Revolution block.
