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Cycle/DM-36 to DM-39
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The following is a list of cycles that appeared during DM-36 to DM-39, also known as PS Psychic Shock.

DM-36 Psychic Shock[]

Each of these Psychic Creatures has the Super Rare rarity.

Each of these Psychic Creatures has the Uncommon rarity.

Each of these evolution creatures evolve on a "Soul" watermark.

Each of these spells has a mana cost of 1.

Each of these spells has a mana cost of 5 and "Hyperspatial" in their name.

Vertical Cycles[]

Each of these creatures has the "Chain" keyword, each costing progressively 1 less than the previous card as well as being featured in its artwork. Each card was also illustrated by Katora.

DM-37 Dark Emperor[]

Each of these uncommon psychic creatures has a low mana cost and have an Allied Civilization on their awakened side.

Each of these spells have a mana cost of 3 and have "Hyperspatial" in their name.

DM-38 Angelic Wars[]

Each of these creatures has an ability to put psychic creatures of specific civilizations from your hyperspatial zone into the battle zone when they are destroyed, and they feature "Temporal Foundation" in their name.

Each of these creatures has Magic Soul "Magic Soul" and/or Kung Fu Soul "Kung Fu Soul" and trigger their abilities when they are put into the battle zone or leave the battle zone.

DM-39 Psychic Splash[]

Each of these creatures were in the final battle in the Cross Shock season of the Duel Masters anime.

Each of these creatures that joined together to defeat Diabolos in the Cross Shock season of the Duel Masters anime. They were each used by one of the protagonists of the series.

Each of these creatures has a ​​ Tap ability of "Instead of attacking, you may tap this creature and 4/5 cards in your mana zone" to put a specific psychic creatures from your hyperspatial zone into the battle zone.

Each of these are named after a psychic creature and feature "Blaster" in their name.
