The following is a list of cycles that appeared during DM-14 to DM-17, also known as Reincarnation Saga.
Each of these monocolored support creatures receives an effect and increased power when there's only one civilization in your mana zone.
Civilization: |
Card: |
Parshia, the Explorer |
This creature gets +2500 power and "Blocker".
Deep Juggler |
This creature gets +1000 power and draws a card whenever it attacks.
Zamaru, Treasure of Darkness |
This creature gets +2000 power and discards a card at random whenever it attacks.
Zyler's Lighter |
This creature gets +1000 power and "Speed attacker".
Cloud Mayfly |
This creature gets +4000 power, "Double breaker" and can't be blocked by creatures that have 5000 power or less.
Each of these creatures has an ability against Enemy Civilization spells.
Civilization: |
Card: |
Cabalt, the Patroller |
■ Look at your opponent's hand. Your opponent discards all darkness and fire spells from it.
Trident Tower Lunatron |
■ Whenever your opponent casts a fire or nature spell, choose up to 2 cards in your opponent's mana zone and return them to their owner's hand.
Wrangle, the Hidden Heretic |
■ Your opponent can't cast a light or nature spell that has the same name as a spell in their graveyard.
Screwhead Lizard |
■ Whenever your opponent casts a light or water spell, destroy one of your opponent's light or water creatures that has power 5000 or less.
Broken Horn, the Barricading |
■ Each water and darkness spell costs 2 more to cast.
Each of these creatures has its power reduced if your opponent has Enemy Civilization cards in the battle zone.
Civilization: |
Card: |
Regi Pael, Purple Shrine Guardian |
■ This creature gets -1000 power for each darkness or fire creature in the battle zone.
Pattern Egg |
■ This creature gets -1000 power for each fire or nature creature in the battle zone.
Gigaroaster |
■ This creature gets -1000 power for each light or nature creature in the battle zone.
Brock, the Screw Soldier |
■ This creature gets -1000 power for each light or water creature in the battle zone.
Cyclone Totem |
■ This creature gets -1000 power for each water or darkness creature in the battle zone.
Each of these creatures has an ability that affects Enemy Civilization cards.
Civilization: |
Card: |
Glasya, Channeler of Suns |
■ Whenever this creature attacks, you may choose a darkness or fire creature in the battle zone and tap it.
Dolunka |
■ Whenever one of your opponent's fire or nature creatures attacks, you may draw a card.
Telescope Horn |
■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at your opponent's hand and discard a light or nature creature from it.
Gankloak's Magnifying Glass |
■ This creature can't be attacked by light or water creatures.
Brave Bell |
■ This creature gets +3000 power while battling water or darkness creatures.
Each of these creatures has a mana cost of 2 and the "Saver" keyword.
Each of these creatures has the
"Accelerator" keyword and gets +3000 power as well as an additional race while they are crossed.
Each of these creatures has a Come Into Play ability that triggers when you have a creature with the same name in your graveyard.
Each of these Cross Gear has an ability that's active while they aren't crossed with a creature.
Civilization: |
Card: |
Impact Absorber |
Creatures can only break 1 shield per attack.
Noble Enforcer |
Creatures that have power 2000 or less can't attack or block.
Immortal Blade |
Each creature in the battle zone gets "slayer".
Sky Jet |
Each creature in the battle zone gets "speed attacker".
Mobile Forest |
Your creatures each cost 1 less to summon.
Each of these creatures has the "Gravity Zero" ability word and can be summoned for no cost if you have a creature with the specified race.
Each of these Very Rare and Super Rare creatures has the "Gravity Zero" ability word and can be summoned for no cost.
Each of these Allied Civilization multicolored cards has the Evolution Cross Gear card type and features "Catastrophe" in their name.