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Cyber V Tube
Japanflag Japanese (base): サイバー・V・チューブ
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Races: Cyber Command / Team Wave Team Wave
English Text:

​■ Double breaker

When you put this creature into the battle zone, draw 3 cards and then discard a card from your hand.

Rainbownus: Whenever you discard from your hand, if you have a multicolored creature in the battle zone, choose one of your opponent's creatures and return it to it's owner's hand.

Japanese Text:

​■ Wダブル・ブレイカー

■ このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンに出た時、カードを3枚引き、その後、自分の手札を1枚捨てる。

■ レインボーナス:自分の手札を捨てた時、バトルゾーンに自分の多色クリーチャーがあれば、相手のクリーチャーを1体選び、持ち主の手札に戻す。

Power: 6000
Flavor Text: V字型のチューブを武器に戦うサイバー・V・チューブの生放送はInstant Waveで大量の「投げバズ」を集めた。次にやってみたい企画は「水文明の水を全部抜いてみた」らしい。The live broadcast of Cyber V Tube, who fights with a V-shaped tube as his weapon, attracted a large amount of "casting buzz" on Instant Wave. The next project he wants to try is "I drained all the water out of Water Civilization". (DMEX-14)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: 500siki
Other Card Information: