Civilization Breaker (Bunmei Bureikā) | |
Released: | DM-27 Perfect Heaven | | Article |
Civilization Breaker is a Breaker keyword exclusive to one creature in the Nature Civilization.
A creature with Civilization Breaker breaks extra shields for each civilization in your mana zone.
It only appears on Spectrum Giant.
Reminder Text[]
The latest reminder text for Civilization Breaker reads:
Civilization breaker (This creature breaks one more shield for each civilization in your mana zone.) |
9 Spectrum Giant |
Nature / Creature Giant 11000 |
■ Civilization breaker (This creature breaks one more shield for each civilization in your mana zone.) |
Cards with the Civilization Breaker ability[]
- If there are no monocolored cards in your mana zone at the time of your break, 'Civilization Breaker' breaks no additional shields, so the attacking creature breaks one shield.
- This is possible if either playing is using Joe Star of Hope, or you have no cards in your mana zone due to Mana Burn.