- A:Rokkuro
- ACE-Yamata, Eight-headed Dragon / Mystic Treasure Sword
- Ageage Maiko
- Akashic Crash / "Smash It Down, Crash!"
- Alpaca Hammer
- Alpaca Hammer / Command of the Gang Leader
- Angry Maple
- Appuppu Tank
- Arashisong Faerie
- Asagi, Cheer Cobalt
- Asuran, Spirit Knight
- Ballroll Faerie
- Banitas, Devotee Faerie
- Battering Ram Grizzly
- Beetle Moguttan
- Berserk, Sanctuary Period
- Biwanoshin, Wandering Travelers
- Bowling Giant / Strike Approach
- Brave Bell
- Brigade Shell Q
- Bronze-1, Savage
- Bronze-Arm Tribe
- Bucket Buc-kid, Gentle Snow Faerie
- Bunilla
- Bunker Antlion
- Buu, the Invoked
- Carrier Shell
- Casablanca, Phantom Thief Faerie / "I can't believe I was betrayed after trusting them!"
- Cavern Raider
- Cemetarian, the Invoked
- Charock, the Edacious
- Chotto Ippuku
- Cobble, Familia's Bonds
- Codename Thirteen / Pandora Impact
- Colonel Koala, Forest Commander
- Coon, Golden Lion of the Dawn
- Copper Locust
- Curling Faerie
- Cyan, Marching Bell / Mimiru Musical
- Cyan, Moonbell
- Daikon Leaguer
- Dew Mushroom
- Digorpion, Ground Digging Snakekind
- Disdrapi
- Dodonbubu
- Donna Dona, Remnant of the Jungle
- Doyouknowme
- Dreaming Moon Knife / Sanctuary of the Mother
- Dual Carion, Spirit Knight
- Dunas, Spirit Knight
- Eat Cycle Mushroom
- Ebard Zenom, Tree Pulse Guardian
- Erikatchu, Diva Style
- Exploding Cactus
- Fabula Snail / Gorchop Trap
- Fear Fang
- Fever Nuts
- Fifi, Awakened Dragon Faerie
- Fortune Wind
- Foxy, Cursed Forest Fighter
- Fregata, Gunkan Style
- Fresh Lemon, Bravery Faerie
- Friend Giant / Takeback Charger
- Gardener, the Invoked
- Gekioko Maron
- Geo Coffee Kid
- Geo Nasudino
- Golden Wing Striker
- Gomez X, Idol Faerie
- Great Revenger QX.
- Hatchichi
- Hijikata Giant
- Holdeganus, Snow Faerie
- Horbit / Kyoboria Wall
- Hormone, Maxim Bronze
- Hunter, the Invoked
- Hunting Gaia Egg
- Hyuge Shikki Y, Snow Faerie
- Icing Faerie / Giant Impact
- Ikinokorinokinoko
- Illumitree #Night View is Beautiful #Grass #Tree Beyond Grass
- Illusory Berry
- Imomoshi
- Inka, Karma's Purity / Okiyome Crystal Charger
- Innocent, the Invoked
- Irokero, Poison Style
- Jaberu, Snow Faerie
- Jone, Adventure Style
- Juranokill, Roaring World King / Jurassic Howl
- Kabochauchauchau
- Kabra Katabra
- Kaguyaba Princess
- Kanazar, Satori's Cursed Flower
- Kankuro Faerie / "Jaibaban", Summon Nature Spell
- Kaolun, Warming Ice Faerie
- Karate Carrot
- Kawamoriden / Leaf Storm Trap
- King Poisonous Mushroom
- Kirin Twain, Jungle Adventurer
- Kolencoco Tank / Bonto Plantbo
- Konchiwan, Luck-Pusher
- Kondama / Soul Femidoro
- Kuromame Danshaku / Hakumai Danshaku
- Lamat Khan
- Large Gathering! Acorn Army
- Lariat Bomber
- Launch Locust
- Launching Persimmon
- Leaping Tornado Horn
- Lemonkey
- Leone Horn, the Raiding
- Lesser-kun of Slumber
- Lilian, Dream Painter
- Lion Knuckle
- Machoshibiro, Call Chain
- Mafariich Machine
- Magnolia, Sidan's Fertility
- Manitus, Protection Spirit
- Maple Chomomijin
- Mary-kun, Steward Sheep
- Mask-do Cherry
- Masked Gigatack
- Maximum Cobra, Protection Spirit
- Mecha Movie Dome
- Mechadekaizou, Zenith of "Grit" / "Big Boss, I'm here!"
- Meisama, Izanai's Forest Dream
- Metalbug, Saint Beetle
- Midori, Marching Drum / Hamelin Harmony
- Mighty Bandit, Ace of Thieves
- Mighty Banlife
- Mighty Shouter
- Minogami, All Rainbow Emperor / Hazard Pact
- Minogami, Rainbow Cocoon / Emperor's Awakening
- Miralles, Mirror Style
- Mogu, Underground Exploration
- Mokomukku, Snow Faerie
- Momodachi Monkid
- Momostar Kentnark
- Moskimoto
- Mosquito, Forest Green Moon
- Munemitsu, Poetic Ronin
- Muomu
- Nagare Okami
- Nam=Daeddo, Bronze Style
- Nanny, Beast Army
- Natura Tops, Machkind / Stomping Weed
- Nearpin Mosquito
- Nepenthes Assault
- Night Owl Meisama
- Ninja Pumpkin
- Ninja Pumpkin / Glory Muscle
- Niyare
- Nyaga, Grudge of Leowng Years
- Nyanjiro, Treasure Cat
- Nyasu, Courtney Style
- O:Doyuniwa / Grand Jumper
- O:Ntai
- OH! Wonderful
- Oblady Hornet /「Let it Bee!」
- Ochappi X, Idol Faerie / Choco Trap!
- Ochappi, Pure Hearted Faerie
- Pakuchita
- Pallku, Sacredflame Faerie
- Pandakko Panda
- Parputt Scarab
- Peach Princess, Fearless Faerie
- Plum, Spring Sleep Faerie
- Poisonous Mokuren Q
- Poppin Mamesley
- Pottsun
- Power Blazer
- Prepre, Guerrilla Division
- Princess Cub, the Free Wanderer
- Puffball Mushroom
- Punchfox, Knuckle Chain
- Ra Tobi Tol / Kendrick Harvest
- Rabbicellon, Pure Eyes
- Radioactive Horn, the Strange
- Rald Wasbeater / Honey Down Two
- Ranivu, Pure Style
- Relay Faerie
- Rendan, Gentleman Faerie
- Retanre Tank
- Roaring Grind Horn
- Roaring Open! Debok and Grandslam
- Rosespike Butterfly
- Rutsparfait Panzer
- Rymer Reride
- Rymer Taro
- S.Q.QX / Five Start Up
- Saberkiller Axe
- Saepoyo and Yukipyon, Snow Faeries / Hammer Charger
- Saitamanegi
- Sanmoth, Tribe
- Sannap, Tribe
- Shaman Totem / Greed Kingdom
- Shellfo-2, Group Insect
- Shoezukyun
- Silver Axe
- Sirinz, Spirit Knight
- Skillful Aristie
- Slice Onion
- Smash Horn Q
- Smash Horn Q GR
- Sniff Mushroom
- Soaring Wing Horn
- Son Grill, Taste Son / Wild Vegetable, Secret Thousand Cut
- Sosusosu, Party Style
- Speedy Mo
- Speedy Mo / Living Lithograph
- Squirrel, Woodland Priest
- Stegoro Kaiser, Struggling Battlekind / Purification Sharrup
- Strong Goliath / Freezing Icehammer
- Superdachi Monkid Revo
- Sword Butterfly
- Tadaharu Kotatsumaru
- Terebizeon
- Tetetotenton
- The Big Boss, Kiryuin Jin / "I Don't Give a Damn About Unknown's!"
- Timepyonchiki / Oraora Jokers
- Tomaton
- Totenton
- Tranorde Ikkyu
- Trench Scarab
- Trio, Tribe
- Tsukushipu
- Turtle Horn, the Imposing
- Unifolk, Protection Spirit
- Uruse, Agitate Style
- Vam Wingdam / Sonic Dance
- Vermond, Dyna Speed
- Viandes the Cooking Dog
- Wa Tanpopo Tank
- Wandering Shroom
- Washer Ikuzo
- Wild Beast Bracky, the Invoked
- Windy Nature, the Whirlwind
- Yattareari
- Yell, Sidan's Cheering
- Yomeisanbyodake
- Yozorafuwafuwadake
- Yukigon, Mystical Beast Faerie
- ZIZO Town
- Zebles Arms, Spirit Knight
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