Chain | |
Released: | DM-36 Psychic Shock | | Article |
Chain is a keyword exclusive to creatures that have Magic Soul.
This is one of multiple abilities released in DM-36 Psychic Shock that is tied to the various Souls.
Civilization: | Soul: | Keyword: |
Light | Holy Soul | Holy Field |
Water | Magic Soul | Chain |
Darkness | Evil Soul | Soul Recall |
Fire | Kung Fu Soul | Marshall Touch |
Nature | Wild Soul | Mana Reburst |
Chain has 2 variants exclusive to a single creature each;
Reminder Text[]
The latest reminder text for Chain reads:
Chain (When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a creature that costs less than this creature, you may put it into the battle zone. If you don't, return it to the top of your deck.) |
4 Aqua Jester Loupe |
Water / Creature Liquid People 2000 |
■ Chain (When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a creature that costs less than this creature, you may put it into the battle zone. If you don't, return it to the top of your deck.) ■ If this creature or one of your other creatures is the second creature put into the battle zone during your turn, you may draw a card. |
Cards that support the Chain ability
Support Creature: | Card Effect: |
Butterfly Brandy, Electro-Taiga | ■ Each of your other creatures in the battle zone that has a Chain ability gets +1000 power. |
Cards with the Chain ability[]
- Q: Some creatures have the "Chain" ability. What is this ability?
- A: When you put a creature into the battle zone with the "Chain" ability, you reveal the top card of your deck. If the creature costs less than the cost of the creature that has the "Chain" ability, then you can put it in the battle zone.
- Q: If the top card of your deck is not smaller than the creature with the "Chain" ability, what do you do now?
- A: You do nothing. The top card of your deck stays where it is.
- Q: The top card on my deck revealed had less cost than the creature with the "Chain" ability, but was an evolution creature with no valid evolution source. What do I now do?
- A: You do nothing. The top card of your deck stays where it is.
- Q: A creature with the "Chain" ability is brought out after I have summoned it through the use of another creature with "Chain". Can I use that creature's ability?
- A: Yes. It does not matter how you put a creature into the battle zone, you can still use the "Chain" ability. If the cards put into the battle zone are continually lower than the last, you can progressively summon creatures.
- Q: Cyber G Hogan has a "Chain Cascade" ability. How do you use it?
- A: For the "Chain" ability, you reveal the top card of your deck. For the "Chain Cascade" ability you reveal the top cards of your deck and put any number of creatures with less cost than the Cyber G Hogan into the battle zone. If you pick no creatures, put them back on the top of your deck in any order. If put in one creature, the other card is shuffled back into your deck. If you put in 2 creatures, you can use their "when you put this creature into the battle zone" effect in any order, regardless of the order they were put into the battle zone.