This category is for cards that have a mana cost of 10.
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All items (179)
- Abyssbell = Deathbell = Jashin Emperor
- ACE-Yamata, Eight-headed Dragon / Mystic Treasure Sword
- Akashic Three, Complete Underwater Fortress
- Akashic Zetto
- Alcadeia Glory, Heavenly King Ceremony
- Alcadeias, White Knight Lord of Spirits / Perfect Duel
- Alligator, the Awakened Flower Beast
- Alphadios GS, Lord of Spirits
- Alphadios, Lord of Spirits
- Alpharion, Lord of Spirits
- Aqua Excalibur, the Awakened Indigo Swordsman
- Aqua Gyakutenpointer
- Aqua Titaaans, Zenith of "Combine" / Deadly! Jet Cascade Attack!!
- Arczeos, Heavenly Dragon God
- Atlantis, Deepsea Evangelist
- Back to the Ore, Zenith of "Ten Tail"
- Balafiol, Earth Dragon God
- Balga Do Raiba, Matchless Dragon Phantom
- Ballcadeias, Overlord of Demons
- Ballom Hunter, Lord of Demons
- Ballom Quake, Lord of Demons
- Ballom, Lord of Demons / Ballom Cannon
- Beethoven Solemnis, Zenith of "Requiem"
- Beethoven, Zenith of "Horror"
- Billion-Degree Dragon
- Blue Impulse / "Find the Truth, Johnny!"
- Bolberg Dragon Ruler Dragon
- Bolmeteus Sapphire Dragon
- Bolshack Bakuterasu, Dragon Emperor God
- Bolshack Dorago the Great
- Boudan = Low, Hyper Violent Abyss
- Bouwauja, Violent Abyss
- Brand (Gaial Zero Star)
- BUTTA! Chat Booboo
- Chainrex, Super Chainkind
- Codecommand Death Marriage
- Codename Sherlock
- Codename Thirteen
- Codename Thirteen / Pandora Impact
- Counterattack Skysword
- Crash Head, Victorious Dragon Armored
- Criash Heaser Twenty Two, Electrofused Summit
- Crys = Baal, Heavenly Zenith of "Strange"
- Crys = Beelze, Heavenly Zenith of "Uncanny"
- Crys = Ragna = Calypse
- Crysd, Sea Dragon God
- Dark Eye Dragon
- Dark Matter, Zenith of "Magic"
- Death April, the Awakened Requiem
- Death, Destruction God
- Deathgoros, Supreme Devil Corrupt King
- Destrozione, Knowledge Destroyer
- Devil Link Taboo
- Diabolos Double Zeta, Temporal Demon Dragon
- Diabolos Zeta, Temporal Ruler
- Dimensional Galaxy Blade - THE FINAL
- Dimensional Galaxy Bow - ANOTHER
- Do Raganzark 卍, Daibanzai
- Dogiragon Fire
- Dorago the Great, Dragon World
- Dorballom D, Demon Dragon King
- Dorballom, Lord of Demons
- Drag Szark, Moon Dragon / Ryugokusatsu
- Dragment Formation
- Dragon Head Nebula Man / Zero Birthday
- Dream Bolmeteus White Dragon
- Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor
- Gaial, Victory Legend
- Galaxy Blade - THE FINAL
- Galaxy Bow - ANOTHER
- Galaxy Shot - HELL
- Gale Vesper of Heavenly Winds
- Galek, Shadow of Reversal
- GILL Supergalactic Dragon
- Glenmalt "King", Dual Sword Dragon Ruler
- God Bringer
- Gordran Gorghini, Hyper Angel
- Great Link Technology
- Greatest Great, Zenith of "Life"
- Greatest Nelsar, Concatenated Dark Lion
- GuyNEXT, Super Battle Victory Dragon
- Marduk, Unstoppable
- Matthew Stewart, Wild Beast / Galaxy Shot - HELL
- Maximum the Max, Zenith of "Military"
- Maximum the Max, Zenith of "Military" / Zenith Symphony, Secret Zenith
- Mechadekaizou, Zenith of "Grit" / "Big Boss, I'm here!"
- Metcha! Dangerous Grandpa / Kesshing Zero
- Mikadoleo, Doomsday Sutured King
- Moai Land, Ancient Paradise
- Mornark, Darkness Dragon God
- Radio Roses, Heavenly Zenith of "Cunning Wisdom"
- Radio Roses, Zenith of "Wisdom"
- Radiof Roseld, Sutured Dark Wisdom
- Radon Vepburn
- Ragnarok, the Watch
- Rave Diabolos, Holy Damned Festival
- Raza Vega, Thunder Guardian
- Romanov Zeta, Temporal Demonic Eye
- Runezance
- Rymer Lancer
- Ryusei, Zenith of "Inevitability" / "It's my victory, of course!"
- Sahasrara, Seventh Emperor of the Gods
- Sanctuary of Earth and Demon
- Savark Calibur, Ghiramessiah
- Save the Date, Zenith of "Genesis"
- Shinbellom, Night of Sorrowful Tree
- Shura Beethoven, Zenith of "Hadou"
- Storm Kaiser Double Cross, Temporal Kamikaze
- Super Necrodragon Sky Garuda
- Super Terradragon Bailas Cursed
- Superior Silkid
- Supername Sherlock
- Susano-O-Dragon, Violent Storm Dragon