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Card Name
カードめい (Kādo Mei)
Dmwiki.net: Article

Card Name is a gameplay characteristic that identifies the card that you are playing.

Each card name is unique and is the primary method of identification.


In most cases, the card name is situated on the top of the card and the right of the cards cost (However, many cycles of God creatures are an exception to this due to the way that the cards link together).

Each card with the same name can only be included 4 times in a deck, including any alternate printing that the card may have (except cards in the Hall of Fame).

While cards in the Japanese edition of the game only used Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji in their card name for many years, with the advent of cards such as Goemonkey! Snake-Handed Boss (and its "!" exclamation mark) as well as Violent Children (including a "、" ideographic comma) they started to include new text in the card names. Some cards also use alphanumeric symbols from the English alphabet (such as GENJI or THE FINAL) and numbers (750 Man).

For a long time, cards names were only used for the Deck Building rules of allowing "maximum of 4 copies of a card" in a deck, but in DM-17 The Over-Technocross, 2 cards that referred to each other Queen of Protection and Lord of Legend Sword were released.

The first card that allowed you to change a cards name was Akashic Third, the Electro-Bandit in DM-13 Eternal Phoenix.

Cards that refer to each other's card name[]

Cards that refer to the specific cardname[]

Name Categories that refer to part of the card name[]

See Name Category or List of Exile Creatures

Cards that refer to their own card name[]

Self Deck Search

DM-05 / DM-17 / DMR-05

DM-12 Cycle

DM-15 Cycle

DM22-RP1 Cycle

Cards that refer to unspecified card names[]

Cards that add a card name to a creature[]


From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

  • 202. Card Name
    • 202.1. Card name is a characteristic of a card. It is usually written at the top center of a card.
    • 202.2. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name, the player must choose the name of an existing card. You must be careful to declare an exact card name that is clear to both players, as cards with variations on other card names exist. (However, in actual game play, it is acceptable to use a shortened name that both players recognize as long as a specific card is determined.)
    • 202.3. If there is a card that refers to only part of a card name, it will affect all cards that carry the characters of the name properly, but not for cards that don't include the characters properly.

      Example: 'Bolshack NEX' refers to all cards that have 'Lupia' in their card name, but doesn't affect 'Purple Piercer' as the name is separated.

      • 202.3a When referring to a card name, refer to the exact matching name, including kanji.
    • 202.4. There is a card that adds another card name to the card in addition to the original card name. In that case, the card will have two card names at the same time.
    • 202.5. A linked god has each of the linked God's names.

      Example: In the battle zone, your linked 'Heavy, Dragon God' and 'Metal, Dragon God' and a separate 'Heavy, Dragon God' and 'Death, Destruction God' will both have the name 'Heavy, Dragon God' and will be affected by cards such as 'The Grave of Angels and Demons'.

    • 202.6. A promotional version and alternate art version of some cards will have an alternate line directly below the usual card name. During gameplay and deck construction, these cards are treated as the card name written in this alternate 'alias line'.

      Example: The TRANSFORMERS collaboration card of 'Optimus Prime' is always treated as 'Bad Brand'.

      • 202.6a During gameplay, when you would name a creature or card by an effect or game rule, you can't name a card with the name above its 'alias name'.

        Example: You can't choose 'Optimus Prime' or 'Bumblebee with abilities that specify a creature name or card name, such as 'Emotional Hardcore, Sacred Dragon'.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

  • 202. カード名
    • 202.1. カード名はカードの持つ特性です。通常カードの上部中央に記されています。
    • 202.2. 効果によってプレイヤーが「カード名を1つ指定する」場合、そのプレイヤーは実際に存在するカード名を選ばなければなりません。同じカード名部分を持ち、バリエーションの存在するカードの場合、それを含めて宣言する必要があります。(ただし、実際のゲームプレイにおいては双方のプレイヤーが認識できる呼び方でかまいません。)
    • 202.3. カード名の一部を参照するカードが存在します。その場合、指定された名称をカード名に含むもの全てを参照します。
      例: 《ボルシャック・NEX》はカード名に「ルピア」という単語を含む全てのカードを参照します。《パープル・ピアス》のように単語が途中で区切られている場合は一致した単語とみなしません。
      • 202.3a カード名を参照する時は、ルビを含めて完全一致したものを参照します。
    • 202.4. カードに本来のカード名とは別に他のカード名を追加するカードが存在します。その場合、そのカードは2つのカード名を同時に持つことになります。
    • 202.5. ゴッドがリンクしているとき、そのゴッドはリンクしている全てのカードのカード名を持ちます。
      例: バトルゾーンに「リンクした《龍神ヘヴィ》と《龍神メタル》」と、「リンクした《龍神ヘヴィ》と《破壊神デス》」が同時にあるとき、これらのリンクしたゴッドはどちらも《龍神ヘヴィ》という名前を持ちます。この状況で《天使と悪魔の墳墓》を使用した場合、どちらも《龍神ヘヴィ》を持つクリーチャーなのでそれぞれ破壊されます。
    • 202.6. 一部のカードのプロモ版やイラスト替え版は、通常カード名が記載されている行のすぐ下に、別名行があります。これらのカードは、ゲーム上とデッキ構築上は常に別名行に書かれているカード名だけを持ちます。
      • 202.6a ゲーム中に、効果やルールによってクリーチャーの名前やカード名を指定する際、別名行を持つカードの上のカード名を指定することはできません。
        例:《神聖龍 エモーショナル・ハードコア》などが持つクリーチャーの名前やカード名を指定する能力で、《オプティマスプライム》や《バンブルビー》を指定することはできません。

