Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
Card Frame
新枠 (New Frame)
旧枠 (Old Frame)

Card Frames detail the different aspects of a card in the Trading Card Game, with different treatments for the various Card Types


The following is an illustration detailing the various characteristics of a card.

Card Frame

The civilization of the cards: Light, Water, Darkness, Fire, or Nature is incorporated into the frame artwork, and rarity levels are shown by symbols on the bottom right of the card.


A card can contain the following features:

  • Card Name – The card name is on the top center of the frame.
  • Cost – This number, on the top left of the card shows how much mana you will need to tap to be able to play the card.
  • Race – The race of a creature is found under the card name. Creatures are grouped into various races, such as Armored Dragon, Angel Command or Beast Folk
  • Text – The text between the card type and power lets you know what abilities as well as Keywords or Ability Words the card may have.
  • Card Type - The card type of a card is indicated on the middle left of the frame.
  • Artist - The artist of the cards artwork is indicated on the middle right of the frame.
  • Power – This number, seen on the bottom left of the frame which only appears on creature card types, indicates the creatures power. The higher this number, the stronger the creature is in battling against other creatures.
  • Mana Number - This number, seen at the bottom center of the frame is an upside-down number that indicates how much mana that card is worth while in the mana zone.
  • Card Rarity – The symbol indicates the level of rarity.
Rarity: Details:
Common Common A plain circle.
Uncommon Uncommon A diamond shape.
Rare Rare A star.
Very Rare Very Rare A circle with a star in the middle.
Super Rare Super Rare Four squares put together to shape a diamond.
The artwork of a super rare card usually exceeds the frame of its artwork.

(The following card rarities are exclusive to the Japanese game.)

Rarity: Details:
Victory Rare Victory Rare A stylized V. Like a super rare, the artwork of a victory rare card exceeds the artwork frame, and in later sets, feature full frame artwork.
Victory RareVictory Rare Double Victory Cards with this rarity have 2 stylized V on their card frame.
File:Legend Rare.gif Legend Rare A sun symbol.
File:Master Rare.jpg Master Rare A white text block with MAS in black text.
File:Forbidden Legend Rare.gif Forbidden Legend Rare An X with the "LEGEND" written in forbidden text.
秘 / ㊙ Secret Rare The kanji character for "Secret". This rarity rarely appears on cards.


From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 200. General
    • 200.1. A card contains information some of which may affect the game.
    • 200.2. Some parts of a card are also characteristics (which can be referenced during a game). Characteristics include civilization, cost, card name, race, card type and power.
      • 200.2a Some characteristics may be ignored during the game.
    • 200.3. Characteristics may be ignored.
      • 200.3a Cards that are underneath a card due to evolution, etc have their characteristics ignored during gameplay. However, when 'cards' are specified, the characteristics are referenced. When specifying other things than 'cards' (such as 'creature'), these characteristics aren't referenced.

        Example: A water creature that is evolved over a light and water creature is only treated as a water creature, and its power and race are unaffected by the underneath cards. However, a card such as 'Team Tech's Wave Go!' can affect the cards underneath them if they match the conditions.

        Example: 'Bangetsu 卍 Ga・Ryuzark 卍' refers to Magic Tools as a race, so cards underneath '卍 De Szark 卍' can't be referenced.

      • 200.3b The characteristics of a seal can't be referenced. If a seal is specified as a card, it is treated as a card with a cost 0 and no other characteristics.
      • 200.3c Whenever you choose a double faced card as a card, refer to its face up side.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 200. 総則
    • 200.1. カードには、ゲーム中に必要な情報と、ゲーム中特に意味を成さない情報があります。
    • 200.2. カードの部分の一部は特性(ゲーム中参照され、意味をなすもの)でもあります。特性とは、文明、コスト、カード名、種族、カードタイプ、パワーを指します。
    • 200.3. 特性は無視される事があります。
      • 200.3a 進化などによってカードの下に置かれているカードは通常のゲーム中は特性が無視されています。ただし、カードを指定する場合、特性は参照されます。カード以外を指定する場合は参照されません
        例:光と水文明を持つクリーチャーの上に進化した水のクリーチャーは水のクリーチャーであり、パワーも種族も下のカードから影響されません。ただし、《テック団の波壊 Go!》の効果を受けた場合、下のカードもコストを参照し、適正であれば効果を受けます。
        例:《卍月 ガ・リュザーク 卍》の無月の門・絶は魔導具を参照しているため、《卍 デ・スザーク 卍》の下にあるカードは参照できません。
      • 200.3b 封印の特性は確認できません。封印をカード指定する場合、コストは0で、他の特性がないカードとして扱います。
      • 200.3c 両面カードをカード指定する場合、表になっている面を参照します。
