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Duel Masters Wiki
Brain Book
Japanflag Phonetic: Burein Bukku
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 2
English Text:

​​Shield Trigger Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.)

Draw 2 cards. Then put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

Japanese Text:

Shield Trigger S・トリガー(この呪文をシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ唱えてもよい)

■ カードを2枚引く。その後、自分の手札を1枚、山札の上に置く。

Flavor Text: ゲンムエンペラーは十番目の王だと思われているが、実は宇宙より先に存在していた無限の闇を統べる幻の零番目の王なのだ。Genmu Emperor was thought to be the tenth king, but in fact he is the illusory zeroth king who rules over the infinite darkness that existed before the universe. (DMRP-15)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Miyamoto Satoru
Other Card Information: