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Duel Masters Wiki
Bosskatsu, No.2 Mood Man
おとこの2ごう ボスカツ
Japanflag Japanese (base): 漢気の2号 ボスカツ
Civilizations: Light Light / Darkness Darkness / Fire Fire
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Races: Mega Command Dragon / Revolutionary Revolutionary / Team Hamukatsu
English Text:

Speed attacker

When you put this creature, discard a card from your opponent's hand at random. You may put a multicolored creature that costs 8 or less and has the same civilization as the discarded card from your hand.

Japanese Text:


■ このクリーチャーが出た時、相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。その捨てた手札と同じ文明を持つ、コスト8以下の多色クリーチャーを1体、自分の手札から出してもよい。

Power: 4000
Flavor Text: ハムカツ団の団長となることを要請されたドギラゴンは、後に蒼き鎧をまとい新たな剣をもち、ドギラゴン剣と名乗ることになった。Dogiragon, who was requested to become the leader of the Hamukatsu Gang, later donned a blue armor and wielded a new sword, taking the name Dogiragon Buster. (DM24-BD1)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: NAKAMURA 8
Other Card Information: