Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This psychic creature has a Psychic Link with Gaial Kaiser Play's and Dragonic Pippi Play's Double Sided Card
When they awaken they flip into Gaial King Dragon Play's, Raging Dragon Lord.
Boost Play's, Crimson Lord
Japanflag Phonetic: Būsuto Guren Ō Pureisu
Civilization: Fire Fire
Card Type: Psychic Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Races: Flame Monster / Hunter
English Text:

When you put this creature, destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has less power than it.

(At the start of the game, psychic creatures aren't put into your deck and are put into your hyperspatial zone, and if a psychic creature is put into a zone other than the battle zone, they are returned there.)

Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーが出た時、このクリーチャーよりパワーが小さい相手のクリーチャーを1体破壊する。


Power: 3000
Flavor Text: その三体の力がビクトリーをもたらす。(DMPCD-03)
Mana Number: 0
Illustrator: Ishibashi Yosuke
Other Card Information: