Bolshack Dragon
ボルシャック・ドラゴン | |
Civilization: | Fire |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 6 |
Race: | Armored Dragon |
English Text: |
■ While attacking, this creature gets +1000 power for each fire card in your graveyard. ■ Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) |
Japanese Text: |
■ 攻撃中、このクリーチャーのパワーは、自分の墓地にある火のカード1枚につき+1000される。 ■ |
Power: | 6000+ |
Flavor Texts: | The last city that offended it is now a ruin. (DM-01) その怒りに触れたために、ひとつの都市が消滅した. A city was destroyed since it touched his wrath. (DM-01/DMC-01) 心を1つにして信じあったとき、その夢はきっと叶う! When you fuse your hearts as one and believe, your dreams will come true! (DMC-53) 片目のボルシャックを見たら、その姿を魂に刻むと良い。その龍は真に勇敢な龍だから. If you see the one-eyed Bolshack, engrave that figure into your soul. That dragon is a truly courageous dragon. (DM-18/DMC-66) 怒りは力に、悲しみは勇気に変わる。散っていった仲間の魂をそのペン先に込めて、紅き炎で描き上げる!! Rage into power, and sorrow into courage. Engrave the souls of the companions who fallen into the tip of the pen and illustrate the crimson flames!! (P34/Y6) 失いし片目は歴戦の証、その強さ雷電の如く! The lost eye is the proof of battles, and that strength is like lightning! (P48/Y6) 燃え上がる爆炎は闘士の証。敗れていった友の悲しみを怒りに変える! The rising flames are the proof of a warrior. The sorrows of fallen companions will be changed into rage! (P56/Y6) 日本一を目指す者たちを、彼はいつだって全力で応援する!! He always roots for those who to aim to be the top in Japan! (P50/Y7) デュエルがつないだ俺たちの友情は永遠だろ? Our friendship connected through duels is eternal, right? (P95/Y9) デュエル・マスターズの歴史はここから始まった。 The history of the Duel Masters began here. (DMEX-01) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrators: | Ryoya Yuki Ittoku Shigenobu Matsumoto MATSUMOTO EITO HIROAKI KUDOU KEITA HATTORI shosuke Futaro |
DM-01 Base Set
69/110 — Very Rare DM-01 Base Set (OCG) 8/110 — Very Rare DM-18 Best Challenger 11/140 — Very Rare DMC-01 Shobu's Blaze Deck 2/43 — Very Rare DMC-53 Legend Chronicle Shobu 9/20 — Very Rare DMC-66 Duel Masters: Super Best 32/36 — Very Rare DMX-21 Masters Chronicle Pack: Comic of Heroes 3/70 — Very Rare DMX-21 Masters Chronicle Pack: Comic of Heroes ㊙1/㊙3 — Secret Card ㊙ DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack b71/??? — Very Rare DMEX-01 Duel Masters: Golden Best 1/80 [2002] — Very Rare DMEX-17 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Ultimacy Dueking MAX 超1/超40 [2002] — Very Rare Promotional P34/Y6, P48/Y6, P56/Y6, P50/Y7, P95/Y9 — Very Rare | |
Other Card Information:
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Bolshack Dragon