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Bolgash Dragon
Bolgash Dragon
Japanflag Japanese (base): ボルガッシュ・ドラゴン
Civilization: Fire Fire
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 8
Race: Armored Dragon
English Text:

Power attacker +8000 (While attacking, this creature gets +8000 power.)

​■ Triple breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields.)

Japanese Text:

■ パワーアタッカー+8000(攻撃中、このクリーチャーのパワーは+8000される)

​■ Tトリプル・ブレイカー(このクリーチャーはシールドを3つブレイクする)

Power: 4000+
Flavor Texts: Its suit of armor belches out an electric smog cloud that serves as both camouflage and weapon. (DM-05)
我に刃向かう小さき者どもめ! You insignificant fools who dare defy me! (DM-05)
大地が海が人が獣が、蒼き業火に溶けていく。The earth, the sea, the people, and the beasts are melting into the azure flames. (P23/*)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Atsushi Kawasaki
Other Card Information: