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Duel Masters Wiki
Blaze Cannon
Blaze Cannon
Japanflag Japanese (base): ブレイズ・キャノン
Japanflag Phonetic: Bureizu Kyanon
Civilization: Fire Fire
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 7
English Text:

■ You can cast this spell only if all the cards in your mana zone are fire cards.

■ Each of your creatures in the battle zone gets "power attacker +4000" and "double breaker" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "power attacker +4000" and "double breaker" gets +4000 power while attacking and breaks 2 shields.)

Japanese Text:

■ 自分のマナゾーンのカードがすべて火のカードであれば、このターン、バトルゾーンにある自分のクリーチャーはすべて「パワーアタッカー+4000」と「W・ブレイカー」を得る。

Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Sansyu
Other Card Information: