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Duel Masters Wiki
Bikabika Cho, Climb
罪無クライム ビカビカチョウ
Japanflag Kana: クライム (Climb) チョウ (Cho)
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 4
Races: Mafi Gang / Team Zero Team Zero
English Text:

Mugen Climb black Mugen Climb 1 (You may summon this creature from your hand or graveyard by tapping 1 of your creatures and paying W1.)

Japanese Text:

Mugen Climb black 1 (自分のクリーチャーを1体タップし、W1支払って、このクリーチャーを自分の手札または墓地から召喚してもよい)

Power: 3000
Flavor Texts: ゲンムエンペラーがまずフウジン天の方を見ると、その後ろに闇に満ちた空間、「夢幻の無」が生まれた。フウジン天は何かを言いかけるも、その空間に飲み込まれ、二度と還ってくることはなかった。When Genmu Emperor first looked at Fuujinten, a space filled with darkness, the "Daydream Dark Matter", was created behind him. Fuujinten tried to say something but was swallowed by the space and never returned. (DMRP-15)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Tanaka Kenichi
Other Card Information: