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Duel Masters Wiki
Before the break
ブレイクの前 (Bureiku no Nae)
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Before you break is a timing condition that appears on the effect of a few creatures.


It occurs between "whenever this attacks your opponent and isn't blocked" and "when this breaks".

The text first appears in the reminder text of Master Breaker.

Master Breaker (During the turn this creature is put into the battle zone, before each break, destroy one of your opponent's creatures.)

It occurs on the following cards and abilities.

Ability / Card: Effect:
Master Breaker / Master Double Breaker Destroy creatures
Johnny and Joragon ~J's Will~ Destroy creatures.
Dragon Double Breaker / Dragon Triple Breaker Shield Addition
Jogirasta the Johnny 2x Gacharange Summon and 2x Card Draw
MAX the Johnny Shield Addition
Bolshack Rider, Supreme Flame Dragon Armored Mechraid 5
Kakumeijin, Geima King Dragon Cast a spell


  • The timing occurs before the break. Even if the creature that's attacking is removed, the break still occurs as usual.
    • For example, if the Master Double Breaker ability of Jolly the Johnny ability is used to destroy Skull Moon, the Enlightened, and the replacement effect is used to destroy 'Jolly the Johnny', the opponent's shield will still break.
  • If any triggered abilities would trigger, they are resolved before the break occurs.
    • Prior to April 19, 2023 the abilities resolved after the shields were broken and the "before the break" abilities couldn't be interrupted.
    • If 'Jolly the Johnny' destroys an ability that has a Put Into Graveyard ability with Master Double Breaker, the Put Into Graveyard ability resolves before the shield break.
  • A Break Replacement Effect occurs after effects that occur before a break.
    • If the break is protected by Shield Saver, the replacement effect of the Saver occurs after the shield is added to their hand, so even if the break is replaced, the shield addition by an ability such as Dragon Double Breaker still occurs without issues.
    • If you destroy a creature that has a Shield Saver ability with Master Breaker, that creature can't be used to protect a shield.


From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 509.3. Choose the specified number of broken shields. Abilities that trigger before a break will trigger at this point.

    Example: "Dragon Double Breaker", "Master Double Breaker" or the ability of "MAX the Johnny"

    • 509.3a When a shield is broken and is put into a player's hand, if it has Shield trigger ability, that player can declare to use that ability. If multiple shields with Shield Trigger ability are put into a player's hand this way, that player declares the usage of those Shield Trigger abilities simultaneously.
    • 509.3b If a player whose shields are broken has cards with Strike Back abilities in their hand, those abilities can be declared by discarding the cards that are put into that player's hand. The declared cards must be revealed to each player.
    • 509.3c When the declaration is over, the broken shields are added to their owner's hand. After that, the declared Shield Trigger and Strike Back abilities are resolved in any order.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 509.3. ブレイクするシールドを、指定の数選びます。「ブレイクする前に」や「ブレイクの前に」といった、ブレイクの前に誘発する能力は、この時点で誘発します。

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 509.4. Resolving any standby effects that would trigger "Before each break". After those effects resolve, if there is another other standby effects, resolve them.
    • 509.4a Among newly triggered abilities, first resolve the active player's standby effects in any order.
    • 509.4b Continue to resolve the non-active player's standby effects in any order. If the active player's effect triggers during this process, the active player's effect is prioritized after resolving the effect being processed, and then the non-active player's processing returns.
    • 509.4c If an attacking creature leaves the battle zone by resolving an effect, that creature will still break any opponent's shields that you have already chosen.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 509.4. 誘発した「ブレイクする前に」や「ブレイクの前に」の能力により待機した効果の解決を行います。それらの効果の解決がすべて終わった後、他に待機している効果があれば、それを解決します。
    • 509.4a 新たに誘発した能力のうち、まず、ターン・プレイヤーの待機状態の効果を好きな順番で処理します。
    • 509.4b 続けて、非ターン・プレイヤーの待機状態の効果を好きな順番で処理します。この過程でターン・プレイヤー側の効果が誘発した場合、処理中の効果を解決した後でターン・プレイヤーの効果を優先して処理し、その後非ターン・プレイヤー側の処理に戻ります。
    • 509.4c 効果を解決したことによって攻撃中のクリーチャーがバトルゾーンを離れた場合でも、そのクリーチャーはすでに選んでいる相手のシールドをブレイクします。

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 603.7. There are abilities that trigger just before a shield would break with a trigger condition of "Before the break". These abilities trigger at the time when you choose shield to break, and they resolve before you break it.
    • 603.7a After resolving the standby effects of an ability that trigger 'before the break', if there are any other standby effects, resolve them before breaking the chosen shield.
    • 603.7b When resolving a standby effect with an ability that triggers 'before the break', you may cause a new shield to break, causing a new 'before the break' to trigger. In this case, the effect of the last triggered 'before the break' ability resolves before any new standby effects resolve or the originally chosen shield breaks. Then, if there are any other standby effects, they are resolved, the newly chosen shield is broken, and then the process returns to the process of breaking the originally chosen shield.

      Example: When attacking with 'Kakumeijin, Geima King Dragon' and breaking your opponents shield, the 'before the break' was triggered twice. For the first trigger, I cast 'Texas Storm' and put 'Kakumeijin, Geima King Dragon' on the top of the deck, and put it again, to break another of my opponent's shields. At this time, a third 'before the break' ability was triggered. In this case, you first resolve the third 'before the break' ability, and cast a spell, than break the chosen opponent's shield with 'Texas Storm'. Then resolve the second 'before the break' ability of the 2 shields that occurred by the first break, and then break the 2 shields that you had chosen with the attack of 'Kakumeijin, Geima King Dragon'.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)

  • 603.7. 「ブレイクの前に」といった誘発条件を持つ、シールドをブレイクする直前に誘発する能力があります。これらの能力は、ブレイクするシールドを選んだ際に誘発し、そのシールドをブレイクするより前に効果を解決します。
    • 603.7a ブレイクする直前に誘発する能力により待機した効果を解決した後、他に待機している効果があれば、それらの効果をすべて解決した後で、選んだシールドをブレイクします。
    • 603.7b ブレイクする直前に誘発する能力により待機した効果を解決する際、それにより新たにブレイクするシールドが選ばれ、新たに「ブレイクの前に」能力が誘発することがあります。この場合、待機中の他の効果の解決や、最初に選んでいたシールドのブレイクより前に、最後に誘発した「ブレイクの前に」能力の効果を解決します。その後、他に待機している効果があれば、その解決を行ってから新たに選んだシールドをブレイクし、その後、最初に選んでいたシールドをブレイクする際の処理に戻ります。
      例:《芸魔王将 カクメイジン》で攻撃し、相手のシールドをブレイクする際、「ブレイクの前に」能力が2回誘発した。1回目で《テキサス・ストーム》を唱え、《芸魔王将 カクメイジン》を山札の上に置いて再び出し、相手のシールドを新たに1つブレイクしようとした。この際3回目の「ブレイクの前に」能力が誘発した。上記の場合、まず3回目の「ブレイクの前に」能力を解決して呪文を唱えた後、《テキサス・ストーム》で選んだ相手のシールドをブレイクします。その後、最初のブレイクで誘発した2回のうち、2回目の「ブレイクの前に」能力を解決し、それが終わったら《芸魔王将 カクメイジン》の攻撃で選んだシールド2つをブレイクします。
