Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
ビートダウン (Bītodaun)
Dmwiki.net: Article

Beatdown decks are one of the three main deck types.


It is the opposite of a control deck. In a beatdown deck, a player aims to quickly break their opponent's shields in a "rush" or "beatdown" type.

A "rush" uses weenie cards with a lower Mana Curve (cards that have a Mana Cost between 1 and 3), with a few cost 4 cards, to swiftly break the opponent's shields in order to end the game as soon as possible (hopefully by turn 4 or 5).

A "beatdown" type is slower than a rush deck (usually running cards with Mana Costs between 2 and 7), but uses more powerful and versatile midrange cards. It aims to end the game slightly slower than the rush type, but has higher-cost Finisher creatures.

List of Beatdown decks[]
