BAGOOON Missile, Explosive Burst
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Civilizations: | Light / Water |
Card Type: | Spell |
Mana Cost: | 4 |
English Text: |
■ (This spell is put into your mana zone tapped.) ■ Choose one of the following. If you have a multicolored creature in the battle zone, you may choose both:
Japanese Text: |
■ マナゾーンに置く時、このカードはタップして置く。 ■次のうちいずれかを選ぶ。バトルゾーンに自分の多色クリーチャーがある場合は、両方を選んでもよい。
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Taro Yamazaki |
Other Card Information:
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