Aqua PTA
アクア・ | |
Japanese (base): | アクア・PTA |
Phonetic: | Akua Pītīē |
Civilization: | Water |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 5 |
Race: | Liquid People |
English Text: |
■ Whenever this creature attacks, you and your opponent play Gachinko Judge until you lose or stop yourself. Then for each time you win Gachinko Judge, you may draw a card. (Gachinko Judge: Each player reveals the top card of their deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card costs the same as or more than your opponent.) |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーが攻撃する時、自分が負けるか中止するまで、相手とガチンコジャッジする。その後、こうして自分が勝った数、カードを1枚引いてもよい。 (ガチンコ・ジャッジ:各プレイヤーは自身の山札の上から1枚目を見せ、それを一番下に置く。そのカードのコストが相手以上であれば、自分の勝ちとする) |
Power: | 5000 |
Flavor Text: | 「アカデミー」を創設したのはアカデミアだが、運営し続けたのはこの私です。"It was Academia who founded the 'Academy', but it was I who continued to operate it." ─Aqua PTA (DMR-08) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | HIRO"WO"NORI |
Other Card Information:
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Aqua PTA