Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
This is a Vanilla card.
Animabelgis, Fuuma Savage
Civilizations: Darkness Darkness / Nature Nature
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 2
Races: Grand Devil / Beast Folk
Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: 木を隠すには森の中。動物隠すにゃこいつの体内。気がついた時はもう遅い!A single tree is concealed by the forest. The animal hidden within his body. Once you notice it's already too late! (DM-26)
イラストの無いカード、能力があるのにテキストが無いカード、さらに能力はないけどみんなが感謝するカード…。超ブラックボックスも不思議がいっぱいだな!Cards without illustrations, cards without text even though they have abilities, cards that don't have an ability but thank everyone... There are lots of wonders at Super Black Boxes too! -Animabelgis, Fuuma Savage
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Hisanobu Kometani
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