- A Ligate, Seeker of Sunlight
- Achoboa, Ragmal Chain
- Acolde, Play Music
- Adomis, the Oracle
- Adore Setate, Satori's Crystalware
- Al Bu Dhabi, Outlook Guardian
- Alishion, Robust Wings
- Alnashi, Vizier of Sluggishness
- Amber, Strange Stone
- Andorom, Chanting Wings
- Andro Saver, Martyrdom Wings
- Aperitif the Sommelier Cat
- Aqua Humpty
- Arashibias Phantom
- Arashicap Tenbear
- Arashirod Shepherd
- Arashiscratch Sister
- Arashistand Lesser
- Arissa, Vizier of Holy Strikes
- Asarat, Play Music
- Ashli-2, Holy Dark
- Asra, Vizier of Safety
- Asra, Vizier of Safety / Glory Stone
- Assistest Incoppi
- Astmaple-T3
- Ava-1, Thunder
- Azohl, Strange Stone Q
- Bagris, Vizier of Turbulence
- Banban Rocker
- Barian, Strange Stone / Highrisk Pendulum
- Barnian, Divine Enforcer
- Baronarde, Glorious Wings
- Basil, Satori's Holy Evil
- Beetleda, Armored Insect Mecha King
- Bega-2, Vizier of Shadow
- Bex, the Oracle
- Blazing Armstrongirl
- Bloodow-2, Rotten Saint
- Bolmeteus Energy, Flame of Memory / Bolmeteus Guard
- Brutula-D1
- Bubun Dron
- Burei, Vizier of Dual Swords
- Caladorius, Apocalyptic Beast
- Calgo, Vizier of Rainclouds
- Captain Gyro
- Captain Hustle
- Captain Mechagoron
- Captain Super-Rescue
- Carla, the Oracle
- Chaosmantra, Memento
- Chevalsling-B3 / En Gels Spark
- Chief De Baula, Machine King of Mystic Light / Magic Shot - Glory Gate
- Chiffon, Karma's Deification
- Chizentenna-R10
- Choppurun, Love Love Guardian
- Clap, Defender of Hope
- Clearlo, Grace Enforcer
- Cloud Fighter Mecha Master Finger
- Coccolua, Holy Dragon Wings
- Codeking Number Nine / Ode to Joy
- Codename Dasunizeth / Leader Crystal Charger
- Colorful Mecha Max Geyser
- Colupia, Flame Dragon God's Skysoar
- Corteo, Spirit Knight / Protection Circle
- Cotton, Elemental Left Machine
- Cotton, Karma's Judgment / Judge Crystal Charger
- Cotton, Oracle Girl
- Cove Sidia / Lighthand Lightning
- Cubic, the Oracle
- DASH Leader Greg
- Daikazan, Brave King Totem
- Dasen, Unrivaled Bind / Pacific Spark
- Defense Armor, Absolute Fear
- Deis Bulldozer
- Dis Zorro Star
- Discatino
- Discotton & Diskerasas
- Disktick
- Doremi Twelve, Time 1
- Dorura, Model Dragon Enforcer
- Dragstrike, Blastdragon Soldier / The Wrath of Angels and Demons
- Drisco-3, Soultool
- Dumar, Spirit Knight
- Eagle Cargo, Guardian Treasure
- Effia, White Knight Oracle
- Ekkart, Strong Strike Armored Soldier / Warning Shot
- Electro Explorer Syrion
- Elephaust, Phantom Beast Sage
- Endra Pappi
- Erus Elixion, Dyed Sky Guardian
- Fasola 24 and Sido 24, Miracle Combo
- Fasola, Time 2
- Faywon, Green Knowledge Silver
- Fenicle, Wings of Immortality
- Flugerb Cavalier
- Frill, Demon Right Machine
- Frill, Mantra's Compassion
- Fukki, Three-bodied Walk / Fukkido Recovery
- Fullmetal Lemon, Brave King Mecha
- Funk, Defender of Hope
- Funno-2, Priest
- Funnoo, Bloody Winds Officer
- Gado Warka, Prohibited Path Guardian
- Gaga Cancer, Spirit Knight
- Gaga Pikarian
- Ganma, Ninja Chain Holy Chaos
- Garter, Emergency Ball
- Gastin, the Patroller
- Gekisha Basha Mecchi / "My Hotshot is Machinegunppi!"
- Genbrew, Strange Stone
- Gigagedo, Demon Beast Star Tree
- Gimshou, Green Knowledge Silver
- Giobanchu, Ten Extremes / Genesis of Drillball
- Glenislay, Dragon Ruler
- Gold Buckler
- Golpagani-A7 / Downforce Circular
- Gordrancoin, Gospel Elemental
- Gri-La, Void Guardian / Light of Cruelty
- Grin, Strange Stone
- Guard Gainor, Electro Troop
- Gulan Rias, Speed Guardian
- Guze North, Blue Moon Guardian
- HEAVEN Kid, White Knight Elemental
- Haileader, Play Music / Melody 3 「Temptation」
- Hamurabi, Red Attack Silver / Hamulattice Judge
- Happytan
- Harplara, Play Music
- Hatchaki
- Hayabusamaru, Lightfang Ninja
- Hayabusano Sabato Zett / Hirin Mascaras
- Heafo-3, Heaven Wings
- Healing Princessmedic
- Hibana that Trapped the Moon
- Hope from Sunset
- Humpty Lupia
- Hyou, the Oracle
- Icarino Sabato
- Iere, Vizier of Bullets
- Ignatchio, Vizier of Herculean Strength
- Ika Ikaga, Excess Guardian
- Ikaga, Strange Stone
- Inuhakka, Inga's Mamorukami
- Ishigane, Strange Stone / Senkin Wall
- Jamseal, Spirit Knight
- Jess the Promise
- Jil Warka, Time Guardian
- Jill Haiku, Space Guardian
- Judgment of Your Sins
- Jujun Star
- Kagi, Ninja Claw Holy Chaos
- Kai Tings, Air Battle Guardian
- Kamekamen, Magic Chain
- Kanesill, the Explorer
- Kanta, Lighting Guy / "Look! It's brighter now, right?"
- Kariyadone, Magic Library / Hermit Circle
- Kasel Delt, Frontline Guardian
- Katsuemon, Blade Dance 3
- Kawakino Sabato Zett
- Keen, the Mobile Sage
- Kemuri, Smoke Screen Holy Chaos / Mechakushi no Jutsu, Holy Chaos Ninpo
- Kenigwight-C1
- Khan, Misfortune Demon 30 / Okke Punch
- Kilstine, Nebula Elemental / Mysterious Stone Pillars
- Kir Royale
- Knucklefox, Upper Chain
- Koa, the Oracle
- Kohaku, Go Straight
- Krone Gorghini, Goldangel
- Kultos, Knight Vizier
- Kumo, Spider Paper Holy Chaos / Mechafubuki no Jutsu, Holy Chaos Ninpo
- Kumouse, Invader
- Kurozu, Blockade's Oath
- La Tayu, the Oracle
- Lag Martas, Tectonic Guardian
- Lazerion, Light Attack Soldier
- Lezosta, Brilliant Ball
- Lightning Grass
- Lostmemory, Illusionary Armor
- Love-hungry Koroshiya
- Lukia Lex, Pinnacle Guardian
- Ma More, the Explorer
- Mabruuk, Red Attack Silver
- Makkor, Impregnable White Knight
- Makuro, Strange Stone
- Malta, the Oracle
- Mamo Mystail, Surprise Guardian
- Mamocannon, Saint Mecha
- Mamori Taihappy, Love Guardian
- March
- Maria Necks, Guardian of the Spirit Capital
- Maria of Hypocrisy and Deception
- Masaru, Disciplined Training
- Mememe, Vizier of Resonance
- Messa Bahna, Expanse Guardian
- Mestapo, the Patroller
- Metcha-Mecha
- Mi Amore, the Patroller
- Miele Thunder, the Gemwing
- Miele, Vizier of Lightning
- Mil Armor, Mecha King Vizier
- Miller's Hollow, Suspicious Tiger Wolf / Art Thou an Unknown?
- Mint Shuval, Oracle Guardian
- Miskuzi, Blue Defense Silver
- Mizoy, the Oracle
- Mochi Net Palacchi / "This is the last shiningppi!"
- Moji, Vizier of Awakening
- Morgen, Blue Defense Silver
- Myogu, Striding Ox Ball
- Naikuna, Blinking Appearance Holy Chaos
- Naitoru, Patron Ball
- Nakatsugi, Support of Armor Strike
- Narco, Alarmbell Holy Chaos
- Nevergiveup Ring
- Newee, Guerrilla Division
- Nial, Vizier of Dexterity
- Nicolaus, the Spydroid
- Night's Shine, Blue Defense Silver
- Niproha, Blue Defense Silver / Niproha Arrow
- Nipuras, Vizier of Leading
- Noches, Blue Defense Silver
- Noir, White Night Wings
- Olaswan, Knight of Gaia
- Onbar Brazen, the Propagating Defense
- Orenveera-D10
- Orion, Strange Stone
- Osonis, Five Compassion Elemental
- Paduma, Salvation Guardian
- Pala Olesis, Morning Guardian
- Pandeeta, Windbreaking Vizier
- Parif, Shell Beast / Twinkle Flash
- Parshia, the Explorer
- Paruten, Sealed Grave / Third of the Six Bizarre ~Water with Will~
- Pasha, the Oracle
- Peace Lupia
- Pearl, Merimeri Mary
- Perfect, Domination Elemental / Galaxy Charger
- Petrova, Capturing Silver Moon
- Phal Pierro, Apocalyptic Guardian
- Philippo, Thunder Knight
- Picador, Demon's Birth Beautiful Princess
- Pizzastar's Antihamuto
- Polaris, the Oracle
- Ponpin, Table Tennis Ball
- Poppi Crown Lucky
- Poppi Lucky
- Pretty Children
- Prin, Sparkling Princess / Hunter☆Alien Friendly Beam
- Prince Avaraldo, Cavalier of Thunder
- Prince Avaraldo, Cavalier of Thunder / Magic Shot - Arcadia Egg
- Pungi, Strange Stone
- Pure Cat
- Pure Landers
- Pure Ranga
- Pure White, Thunder Beast
- Quick Drawing Aragonite
- R.E.-2, Brave Vizier
- Raburashoku, Serene Wings
- Rahars, Spirit Knight
- Raiden, Lightfang Ninja
- Ranchun, Bulk Guardian
- Raraa, Trust Ball
- Readygo Karizomidarma
- Regomiele, Primachine
- Rentia, the Explorer
- Reso Pacos, Clear Sky Guardian
- Resracoon, Save Chain
- Rhapsody, Defender of Hope
- Rhapsody, Guard of Period
- Rias, Vizier of Recovery
- Ribulamira, Mirror Wings
- Rinneno Sabato
- Rubels, the Explorer
- Rubik, Strange Stone
- Ruby Grass
- Saharan, Red Attack Silver / Red Magic
- Saiya, Spirit Knight
- Saiyas Tron, Spirit Knight
- Sajitorio, Indomitable Wings
- Sanfist, the Savage Vizier
- Sasoris Jr., Savage Guardian
- Savark, Kirazeustar
- Sazan-Zasan
- Schre-1, Vizier
- Schreiber, Vizier of Strictness
- Seija, Waiting for the Fixed Moon
- Senatine Jade Tree
- Sepa, White Knight Monk
- Setsunano Sabato
- Seventh, Light Divine Dragon / Violen Spark
- Sha Mime, Blue Sky Guardian
- Shikyaku, Earth Learning
- Shinburu, Beginning of the Definite
- Shine, Blue Defense Silver
- Shirley C, Holy Chaos Ninja / Shirley Charger
- Shiroto, Strange Stone
- Shukuran, Red Attack Silver
- Sido, Time 3
- Silt, Blue Defense Silver / Killer Tune
- Sir Navaal, Thunder Mecha Knight
- Siries, Primachine
- Skypeace, Rainbow Builders
- Snork La, Shrine Guardian
- Sokola, Strange Stone
- Soldias, the Patroller
- Soprano Sabato / Melodious Melody
- Spectral Horn Glitalis
- Still Justice Till The End
- Suisen, Demon's Birth Faerie
- Superspeed Hatchaki
- Surfy, the Patroller
- Sutantiguna, Electric Power Wings
- Syrius, Firmament Elemental / White Charger
- Tajimal, Vizier of Aqua
- Taka, Duema Star
- Taslic, Strange Stone
- Tatef Elle, Regression Guardian
- Tattsume, Rednose Guardian
- Tenjoinsama / Floor Bullet
- Tenpro-3, Electro
- Tetsutetsu Puipa
- Tidalion, Dragon Elemental Machine King
- Tios, Guardian of Fate
- Torakuru, Play Music / Melody 5 「Sound Tornado」
- Tsathrustra, Leader of Division
- Ulcos, Spirit Knight Phantom Beast
- Urana, Strange Stone
- Uranus, the Paladin
- Urth, Purifying Elemental / Holy Spirit Spark
- Velvet, Flash Priest / Faerie Power
- Vernelight, Hard Guard
- Victory Sentinel
- Vinogoat, Protection Spirit
- Vivi-Grafi
- Vuanie, Guarding Wings
- Vuotaru, Red Attack Silver
- Wacon, Vizier of Arms
- Wealth Power! Rubel and Force
- Webkine, the Patroller
- Yamiisha Fascinated by Illness
- Yoroko VIP
- Yuliana, Channeler of Suns
- Yume Aiming for the Moon
- Yuppal, Binding Guardian
- Zazenda, Three Kingdoms
- Zenzen Dasenze
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