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Abyss Invasion, Secret Abyss
Japanflag Japanese (base): 深淵秘伝アビス・インベージョン
Japanflag Phonetic: Shinen Hiden Abisu Inbējon
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 3
Race: Abyss Royale
English Text:

Attack Chance R: Abyss (When one of your Abyss attacks, you may cast this spell from your hand or graveyard for no cost. If you do, after casting the spell, put it on the bottom of your deck instead.)

■ Choose one of your opponent's creatures. That creature gets -3000 power until the end of the turn.

Japanese Text:


■ 相手のクリーチャーを1体選ぶ。このターン、そのクリーチャーのパワーを-3000する。

Flavor Texts: 深淵の力は二度刺す。The power of the abyss strikes twice. (DM22-EX2)
次のアビスは貴様だ! —アビスベル=ジャシン帝 (P60/Y22)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: douzen
Shigenobu Matsumoto with COROCORO AllStars
Other Card Information: